Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cafe Mogador closed until Sept. 14 for renovations

And only yesterday did I learn that Cafe Mogador on St.. Mark's Place closed Monday for renovations...

Per the sign... they reopen Sept. 14...

And workers are actually renovating the space... this isn't a case where "closed for renovations" is code for "we're really closed, but don't want to tell anyone yet... so that maybe we can get a head start out of here." Or something like that.

[Originally noted via the EVG Twitter account, where all the action is!]


  1. Almost had a heart attack when I came across this; now calmer. Have been going there regularly for at least 20 years. Consistently great food, service and vibe (notice how long the staff tend to work there too, always a good sign of decent management/working conditions.)

  2. I noticed this yesterday..but did not think they were moving..just sprucing up. I love Mogodor..I remember when this restaurant opened. Great brunch and food.

  3. didn't they renovate just a few years ago? wonder what they're got in store this time. love that place.


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