Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DANGER at the former kind of weird sushi place on the Bowery

Here at EVG favorite That kind of weird sushi place on the Bowery ... which has been closed since December... a new sign has appeared...


[Bobby Williams]

Anyway, we kind of lost track what was coming in here... An entity titled Wisemen (355 WM Restaurant Inc) went before the CB3/SLA back in January to open a full‐service restaurant serving meat‐focused small plates ... as far as we know, that was all OK'd. Hope that they mind the Hazardous Gas Cylinders.


  1. I don't think that there's too much real danger. All County just wants to get their CO2 tanks back so they've put up this "official" looking notice.

  2. this place just gets cooler and cooler.


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