Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Flyer campaign targets CB3 district manager 'for assault on our civil liberties'

You may have seen these flyers around the neighborhood the past day or two... @bacondevil spotted this one on Second Avenue at East Fifth Street...

There was also one spotted on East 14th Street at Second Avenue... Per the flyer, someone is accusing Community Board 3 District Manager Susan Stetzer as being an "assassin of New York's creativity" who is "wanted for assault on our civil liberties."

The Lo-Down, who first reported on the flyers yesterday, spoke with Stetzer. She said that she doesn't know why anyone why would have done this ... "but she believes they could be related to liquor license applications."

Speaking as a resident during a CB3/SLA meeting last summer, Stetzer did publicly oppose the restaurant-bar-music venue project in the works for 34 Avenue A. CB3 ultimately rejected all the proposals for the former Aces & Eights space, and it will soon be home to Ruff Club, "a social club for dogs."

Last December, Stetzer was one of the many city officials tweaked in the annual holiday invite from activist Allen Roskoff. According to Scoopy's Notebook, Stetzer was depicted "as a sexy pole dancer because ... she's a foe of bars and clubs."

(Some residents also criticized Stetzer in the fall of 2010 for her role to possibly limit the number of concerts in Tompkins Square Park. You can read that background here.)

As far as these types of flyers go, this one seems rather mild by comparison. Back in the spring, a few flyers appeared around the neighborhood about developer Ben Shaoul. As reported by The New York Times in July, they read, in part: "I pledge to rape the East Village of every last vestige of creativity," and concluded: "You gotta problem wit dat?"


  1. This is stupid. She's hardly the person to blame for nightlife-related quality of life issues here. Why not point fingers at the actual sitting members of the Community Board who rubber stamp every shithole bar concept that comes along?

    Why not some flyers about nightlife impresarios who turn bakeries into bars?

  2. The poster is right-wing propaganda.

    It was posted by "Let me open my bar on Ave A, there are only 85 other ones, c'mon it'll be good for the area!" person.

    Susan Stetzer is a tireless advocate for a decent quality of life in this neighborhood, a goto expert on city regulations, and the glue that holds CB3 together.

    In my interactions with her, and observations of her, she has shown a patience level that exceeds human understanding. She's also someone who has one of the hardest and thankless jobs in the world.

  3. @ Shawn — Like

    This neighborhood needs more people like Susan — someone to see that these stipulations the bar owners agree to are being met. We have seen people who open sidewalk cafes, extend business hours, use the backyard space, et al., without the right to do so.

    And THIS is what impacts our quality of life. More bars for more idiots every weekend.

  4. I second and third all the above posts. Whoever posted that has a anger management issue and is a complete moron.


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