Saturday, September 1, 2012

Last look at the corner of Avenue A and East 11th Street

As noted earlier today... this is the last weekend for the Mary Help of Christians flea market on Avenue A at East 11th Street ... Some sort of housing is expected to take over this space.

Here are a few photos via Bobby Williams...


  1. Wow that's a bummer. Flea market was very cool and always an interesting scene regardless whether you found something you wanted or not. Very iconic corner and definitely will be weird with a building there.
    The neighborhood is changing fast.

  2. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.September 2, 2012 at 9:20 AM

    So full of life and diversity. Such a shame.

  3. Was just there and got a Guess leather jacket!! Lots of cool bargains. Check them out.

  4. 10 years living on this corner and I cherished the market every weekend. I must have 200 vinyl records alone purchased from vendors. Assorted coats, t-shirts, hats, old knick-knacks, trinkets, old magazines, just about everything you can imagine.

    Who needs Ebay when you have that flea market?

    It is a huge, sad loss for the block and neighborhood. I know they are moving to Immaculate Conception but it won't be the same without them around Ave A every weekend.

    Farewell, flea market. You were good to us.

  5. this was the best flea market in new york. the rest are just places where they will sell you yesterday's new york post for ten dollars, saying it is vintage.

  6. While I realize part of being a true New Yorker is telling young pups 'what used to be on that corner'but too many corners are changing in a way that leaves no room for ordinary people like me...I used to sell in that flea market and will miss it.


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