Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Looking at the Immaculate Conception Church

The flea market at the Mary Help of Christians' lot ended its run Sunday on Avenue A at East 11th Street. The flea market will be moving over to the Immaculate Conception Church on East 14th Street and First Avenue in October, first noted by The Villager.

The church was renovated a few years back ...

We figure that vendors/shoppers will enter the church's courtyard via this entrance on East 14th Street...

Have you ever been back in here? It's a lovely spot... quite peaceful, really, considering what a horror show the intersection of East 14th Street and First Avenue can be.

We're assuming the vendors will be in this space...

Bonus photo of the exterior of everyone's favorite East Village helical-slide-showcasing duplex penthouse next door...

Anyway, it's a smaller space than Mary Help of Christians... not sure how it can handle the usual sprawl. They'll likely be fewer vendors. Not sure if it will – or can — have the same vibe... We'll see.

A few people shared thoughts on all this the other day on our post... Early sentiment seems to be: Better than nothing. What do you think about the new location for the flea market?


  1. Beautiful sacred space, hope it doesn't lose the solitude and quiet with hoards of people trampling in.

  2. tucked away?
    nobody's going to go.
    the old spot was perfect because it was viewable from all sides to anyone walking by. much more easily accesible. i fear the condo hell that will take it's place.

  3. How long before the people in the deluxe modern building start complaining about the noise, etc. from the flea market?

  4. These people are resilient..remember many are from here..originals..I hope they keep the food vendors. The vibe is cool. I support their endevors. This is a beautiful space.

  5. I guess time will tell, I wish them luck in the new space.

  6. I love this church but always cringe to see the McDonald's next to it--such an ugly juxtaposition. The courtyard and the passage leading to it are lovely. I never liked that junky flea market, however I'm glad they found a new home for it. If I ever get a craving to buy some beat-up 8-track tapes or dead light bulbs, I'll definitely check it out.

  7. i'm glad it will continue to exist n the east village. but the fact that it is not visible from the street is an enormous problem. is there no other (open) churchyard that will support the flea?
    i do not doubt the strength and vivacity of this wonderful group - just hope its gets a space that works with them and for them rather than against them!

  8. Surely there must be a schoolyard that can take the flea market instead. Such a shame to mess up such a lovely private space... I thought there was a cloister back, since I must have seen it on some occasion but can't imagine when...glad to know I wasn't hallucinating.


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