Thursday, September 13, 2012

Webster Hall now home to the exclusive Hanky Panky Club

From the EV Grieve inbox ... a news release slightly edited for length ... the place opens tonight...

The Hanky Panky Club, brought to you by nightlife veterans Lon Ballinger, Gary Spencer and Sameer Qureshi, is accessed through a hidden speak easy type entrance on East 11th Street inside the iconic Webster Hall — the same private entrance used by the likes of Madonna, Mick Jagger and Bill Clinton (just to name a few).

Once inside, guests ascend the marble staircase to a stunning, velvet-walled room. The gorgeously-appointed room is a soundproof, discreet lounge experience, that boasts a full back-line stage always ready for performances. This Thursday, we have music by DJ Thomas D and Friday, a live performance by Eddie and The Gun and Nima Yamini — the man behind Avenue A Soundcheck.

What makes The Hanky Panky Club different than any other New York venue is the access to the Webster Hall balcony. This balcony overlooks the main stage of the legendary music venue ... This balcony gives The Hanky Panky Club goers the option to view the music and crowd below, all from the intimacy of a private party.

The Hanky Panky Club will also be known their commitment to impeccable customer service. Jonas, previously of King and Grove, will be at the warmly exclusive door. If the Hanky Panky Club is at capacity, Jonas will take a phone number and texts guests when the club is ready. The wait staff will be dressed in feminine, sexy tutus inspired by famed London Nightclub Owner Peter Stringfellow, modelesque go-go dancers will fluidly dance about the room and atop the bar. These ladies are trained to not only bring the bottle, but the etiquette of a private lounge from a time when service was the ultimate element.

The Hanky Panky Club, located at 125A East 11th Street, will be open every Thursday - Saturday where each night you will know to expect a well known DJ spinning the vibe of the room to perfection. Thursdays think soul, Fridays think electronic and Saturday night - anything goes... Be prepared for energetic beats and spontaneous live performances.


  1. "New York's hottest club is..."

  2. Nice misogyny. "Trained ladies"? WTF?

  3. Ah, the bottomfeeders at it again. Really? A celebrity entrance with service women trained to be servile? What is this, some sort of comfort woman concentration camp for wannabe banksters? Retrosexism is so pathetic. Can't we at least come up with some new and futuristic bigotry?

  4. But are they gonna have 2 dollar beers?

  5. Looks elegant enough, but the name of the replace is even worse than "Boom Boom Room", and rather shatters any pretensions to class.

    - East Villager

  6. Good one, Marty. Don't forget Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich.
    Aside from that, the press release is either a pretty good parody or utterly nauseating. But I'm thinking humor wasn't the intent.

  7. these places are for drug dealers, fascionistas and their toadies

  8. If Prohibition-era speak-easys were as horrible as current "speak-easys", I'm surprised drinking didn't die out forever in American cities.

  9. Hey East Villager:
    Was the Boom Boom Room on Avenue A and 7th Street (south-east side)? I know I was there decades ago, just can't exactly remember where it was. I think I made out with some girl in the back. Is that now called Niagara or something? Do you remember a place called "Beulah Land"? Apparently, I'm suffering from some mild form of Alzheimer's. Much obliged for any answers.


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