Friday, October 5, 2012

(Giant red) Pillow talk

EVG reader Michele McVicar sent along this participant in this year's Art In Odd Places' (AIOP) exhibit along East 14th Street ... and here, between Avenue B and C, is the artist, Geraldo Zamproni from Brazil...

The opening reception is going on here outside Campos Plaza until 8 tonight... AIOP started today and runs through Oct. 15. Find the full program here.


  1. It's artistic because it's big you see. And out of context. Take an ordinary object make it outlandishly big and put it somewhere its normally not found. Wa la, you now have art.

  2. it brings in tourists, that's what the Bloomberg Administration wants- to flood the streets with stupid events and whimsical art everywhere. It helps to hide what's really going on. I'd like to take a pin to it.


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