Thursday, October 4, 2012

Marketing some prime-time Union Square space

The cheapo Shoe Mania that anchored the southwest corner of 14th Street and Broadway abruptly closed on July 17. It's prime Big Box space that's now being heavily promoted...

I looked at the listing (PDF) to see how the brokers are marketing the space...

About what you'd expect here:


  1. The question is, how will they get the current office tenants (on floors 2 - 4) out?

  2. an offer they can't refuse...

  3. The workings of the real estate trade are a complete mystery to me, and one thing in particular that always puzzles me is why current tenants of retail space are kicked out before there's a prospective buyer lined up. Yes, I understand the owner of the property wants to gut and renovate the space and make it all spiffy for the prospective luxury occupant. But when these spaces stay empty for months and months, how much has the owner gained by missing out on all that rent?

  4. Richard,

    Becuase the tenants WERE NOT paying their rent!!!


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