Tuesday, October 2, 2012



Going on until 3:30 today in Union Square. Per the Merrick Pet Care Facebook page: "Food worthy of a fork. This is the standard we hold ourselves to. Using only ingredients of the highest quality, it's food that elevates the bowl. It's food you will be tempted to eat." Top photo by Dave on 7th.


  1. Oh Jesus. Fuck anyone who lampoons Occupy Wall Street for a cutesy ad campaign. The douchey 7/11 and Urban Outfitters election-themed campaigns are a little gross, but this is really beyond the pale. I mean, not that Occupy is sacred or anything, but come on, assholes, it was a genuine grassroots social movement, not a marketing hook.

  2. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.October 2, 2012 at 3:54 PM

    I was just thinking, "how can I show my dog how much I love her?" I know, make her shiver outside in the freezing rain!

  3. Yeah, to spoof this movement for a marketing theme is completely tone deaf. My dog totally wanted to go to this (I'm assuming of course since its free food and a chance to meet other dogs) but I said Hell no, boy! Have some principles.

  4. No need to lampoon OWS, it lampoons itself.

  5. Merrick isn't even very high quality dog food. One step above the regular.

  6. Wow. Just Wow.
    I hope Anonymous pulls some sh*t on these people for havng the gall to rip off OWS, the most important social movement of the decade, for f*cking selling DOGFOOD

  7. That is tacky- a protest sponsored by a corporate entity- If this were a real NYC "revolution" they would be arrested, pepper sprayed and denigrated by the NYPD


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