Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reader report: Man arrested for having dog on L train platform

Per a reader:

Brooklyn bound L train at 1st Ave. 2 a.m.

Police gave this guy many chances to leave before backup came and arrested him. He was being a jerk and saying he seen dogs on the train before.

Not sure what's going to happen to the dog.


  1. A gaggle of Hipster cliché Douche Bags. Pls go back to WI.

  2. Egads, late night L train, is there a more annoying scene in the city? PS standing on the very ledge of the platform with your back to the gap is extremely stupid and absent-minded.

  3. "Temperature is going down to 70 degrees, better put on my wool hat".
    Hipster beardo sheep assholes.

  4. 1. The dude on left looks very familiar, where have we seen him before?

    2. Because he's alone, this must be the NYPD officer stationed in the bunker at the other end of the platform. In my experience seeing NYPD take downs, officers never normally let anyone stand behind them like this. At least he has has his weapon secured!

    3. The entire racial/socioeconomic/ hipster/self-entitled "'New' New York City" is represented here in one photograph.


  5. I fell sorry for that cop having to deal with a bunch of self-important,fun-employed, trustafarian,30 year old kick ball league organizing, kidult,organic roof top farming, look at me, douche bags from Culdesac County WisconsinOhioMinnetucky

  6. good grief, judgemental much?

  7. i thought dogs were allowed on the trains. i always brought mine on no problem.

  8. Why didn't he just walk up to the 3rd ave stop... What an idiot...

    But also. 2am... The cop should have not bothered in the first place...

  9. You can have a dog on the subway but you have to be carrying the dog. I've seen a (very) few people walking pit bulls on the platform. I guess they think they'll get away with it.

  10. @Bob Falfa - Hey listen man, I'm really sorry about that sweet '55 Bel Air you crashed into an onion field way back when...

  11. MTA Rules Section 1050.9 subdivision 8 paragraph 1:
    "Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subdivision, no person may bring any animal on or into any conveyance or facility unless enclosed in a container and carried in a manner which would not annoy other passengers."
    Paragraph 2 exempts law enforcement dogs and service animals. No matter what you (or I, for that matter) have seen or done, people who do otherwise are subject to ejection and possible arrest if they refuse to leave.

  12. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.October 15, 2012 at 3:53 AM

    Meanwhile, patrons of The Thirteenth Step are vomiting in trash cans and throwing them at passing cabs. Way to pick your battles NYPD. Let the dog ride the fucking train bullies.

  13. "look at me, douche bags from Culdesac County WisconsinOhioMinnetucky"

    I always thought this was a lazy stereotype. The majority of "hipsters" I've met in my rare foray into Williamsburg have originally been from LI, BK, Queens and (especially) across the river in Jersey. I've even spotted an UES and EV-born hipster or two (or ten).

  14. @ anon. 3:00 AM Right on, you beat me to it.

    Hipster transplants think they can do whatever they want since it's New York City and they can do it to wherever small town they're form. Also, just because one has seen it done before, doesn't mean one should do it too, e.g. if one sees someone pee at the stations or throw trash on the tracks, does that mean one should do it too?

    Another prime example of self-entitled trustafarians narcissistic hipsters.

  15. Plus, it's not like the police arrested the guy right away for having a dog on the subway: Police gave this guy many chances to leave before backup came and arrested him. He was being a jerk and saying he seen dogs on the train before.

    I'm sure his mommy and daddy or Hannah Horvart got his bail. Die hipsters scum.

  16. @pumpkin hipsterpatch

    The hipsters from LI, BK, Queens, UES and (especially) across the river in Jersey are the respectful hipster ones, since they somewhat know what NYC is about. It's the hipster douche bags from Culdesac County WisconsinOhioMinnetucky are the disrepectful ones and who think they can just trash the city since they always have Culdesac County WisconsinOhioMinnetucky to go back to. Capice?

  17. Don’t they have WiFi on the L train platforms now? This guy could have just Googled the MTA laws and avoided arrest.

  18. @ Gojira; great job on the bob Falfa comment. I knew someine would get it. P.S I was beating Milner

  19. i's true. late night L train is a whole nother stratosphere of pain.

  20. Service dog/animals my ass. They're more like look at me fucking lonliness mascots!

  21. Maybe the dog was actually walking the hipster? In which case the container law does not apply. Math 101.

  22. The lesson here is: When you are wrong and a cop is giving you an opportunity to leave, then leave.
    When a crowd gathers to watch you debate the cop, you are going to lose every time.
    Who is the lucky transit employee that gets to clean up dog crap if it goes in the middle of a subway car?

  23. these hipster dipshits bring their animals on to public education having absolutely no regard for elderly or small children or anyone else for that matter. Not sure when or how these crunchy illiterates will realize that there are certain things you do not do. Bringing animals onto public transportation is one of them, unless they're service animals.

  24. xoxo 10:21 anon. So easy to pick on Jersey. I've been in the EV almost 15 years without running into any Jersey hipsters. NJ hipsters stay in Red Bank and Montclair. And why wouldn't they?

    Where you from Pumpkin Patch?

  25. Worst comment section ever. You people should be embarrassed. It's a fucking guy with a fucking dog trying to ride a fucking train. On the real, WHO CARES? This is causing the ruination of NYC? But as long as he provides fodder your played out "hipster" jokes, let him have it, right? Pathetic.

  26. But if that were not a hipster douche, let's say a Hispanic or black guy, I guess it's ok to arrest him? Keep drinking that quinoa/kale/kombucha juice, Nesta. ima tell you something, your comment is the worst. Worst.

  27. Cry harder, Nesta.

  28. But if that were not a hipster douche, let's say a Hispanic or black guy, I guess it's ok to arrest him?

    What are you talking about son? Arresting anyone for this "crime" is retarded. I am responding to the 20 posts above who'd like to arrest him solely for being a "hipster." Try reading again.

  29. In the meantime, I would really like to know what happened to that poor bewildered dog, who was not at all at fault, and who has been totally overlooked in the hysterical (and not in a funny way) anti-hipster rage being vented here.


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