Friday, October 12, 2012

The Daily News goes all out in its coverage of a Bowery Hotel bellhop who allegedly sold pot to an undercover cop

Wow. The Daily News had three reporters on this six-sentence story that included photos of the 25 year old being led out of The Bowery Hotel (in his uniform) in handcuffs yesterday and a photo of him after being released on a criminal possession of marijuana charge last night.

Per the Daily News, the accused is a college graduate with no criminal record.

Did someone at the paper have a bad experience at the hotel?


  1. In order to work there and put up with the clientele, you'd have to smoke pot.

  2. Unreal these cops. In what F'd up city, especially in NYC, is this a priority? Can't you be doing something more productive with your time? I'm sure management was ok w/ this kid peddling a couple dimes to well-heeled guests just trying to enjoy day or two in the big city. I agree, this "Cop" should be embarrassed of this arrest.

  3. Supremely useless. It goes without saying that this is a disgusting use of my tax dollars. Regardless of how one feels about drugs this is not what our police force should be doing. Go arrest that terrible landlord Croman for being a dick instead.

  4. all this drama for a person smoking pot? Like there is no real crime on the LES. No shootings right?

  5. Jeez welcome to Squaresville.

  6. I agree with all the above comments, what a waste of time and (our) money. And I'm wondering what they're smoking at the Daily News that it took three writers to write this!

  7. You certainly don't always get the full or correct story from the Daily News of the NYT. Many things could be behind this...

    He could have been dealing with many other drugs. So they bust him for this "minor" offense, but make a big deal to scare him. Then he helps the cops bust his supplier.

    Somebody at the city could be mad at the hotel for something. So they get the cops to get a little bad publicity for the hotel. Why was there a good cameraman ready to go for such a nice "perp walk"?

    There's likely more to the story.

  8. He was set up by the Hotel itself, he was snitched on by co-workers wondering why he always had a loot of "tips".

  9. Fuck da police. The cop looks more like a criminal than the bellhop.

  10. Agreed! How ridiculous- who cares if some rich guests want to smoke a little weed- I'm pretty sure he's not part of a major crime or drug trafficking ring. Amazing that there's no real crime going on in the area that he has to pick on a college kid with no priors.

  11. Ten to one......"evidence lost in transit".

  12. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O,N.October 13, 2012 at 11:55 AM

    M.I.A. is going to be pissed when she hears this! Ten to one the gun shots you'll hear during her next stay won't be Paper Planes!


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