Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Losses at El Jardín del Paraíso

Part of a downed willow tree remains blocking the sidewalk on East Fourth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D outside El Jardín del Paraíso...

In addition, a reader notes that someone placed this flyer in his building nearby.

No word on the condition of the other livestock/critters in the community garden.


  1. Sad about the turkey! I really hope they plan to remove some of that tree before today's storm!

  2. So sad about the turkey, but I live nearby and that turkey looked very well fed and healthy. When it first came, it was scrawny, but had since filled out and its feathers had grown in and it looked like it was doing well.

  3. Ugh, I'm so sad to see of the best gardens in the 'hood.

    I think I may have photographed this turkey recently in better times.

  4. I'm very sad about this turkey. I met him the day after Sandy. He looked good! I was so happy he made it through the storm. What could have happened in just 4 days?? Poor thing.

  5. The turkey did not die from neglect. So many people feed the animals in this park. Including myself. I have been a member for 30 years, on the overseeing board for 13 years, and have been the vegetable garden coordinator for 15 years. I have personal knowledge that the turkey never neglected. It was rescued from a slaughter house. When it arrived it could not walk. It regained its ability to walk and became a very healthy and happy turkey. Why is it that people always assume the worst? Posting a picture with a caption that a turkey died from neglect makes for a startling image. The turkey's death was either from the flu or it was poisoned.


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