Friday, November 2, 2012

[Updated] The power is on

And the crowd goes wild ...


Here's the scene on East 10th Street and Avenue D just after 5... via @johnblack


  1. Great news! I am so happy for everyone!

  2. Hot water too I hope and assume??

  3. does the area that was turned on include alphabet city?

  4. Is this confirmed in the whole East Village?

  5. Nice.
    How far south and east?

  6. Is it true? Please tell us more, Grieve!

    - East Villager (writing from Harlem)

  7. Power cable and Internet on on 2nd btwn A and B and I suppose throughout the neighborhood.

  8. Yes. Reports of power on Aves C and D and cell phone service.

  9. can you tell us if there is power on avenue c? thanks!

  10. please tell us more. So glad to have you back

  11. Lights are on from Tompkins Square Park down to at least 3rd and Ave A. Fios at 3rd and A not yet but I'll take what I can get.

  12. Not yet for stuy town.

  13. ConEd just tweeted the boundaries of the powered-up area: Canal St on the South, Broadway on the west, East River on the east, and 14th St. on the north.

  14. Lights at 1st Avenue and 9th Street. They don't seem up to full strength...lamps seem yellow, but TV looks good and computer seems to be working okay. Con Ed had been working in the street and I heard a loud boom and then the lights were back. Hopefully they stay that way...

  15. We're good with juice and FiOS at Village View on First and 6th. Elevators are back, too, but no heat or hot water (and that is NOT a complaint). But it looks like there's still nothing shining west of the Bowery at this time. Lotta whooping from the hi-rises!

  16. whoooo!!!!!!!!! (come on, it's totally warranted this time)

  17. Now this one gets a deserving WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  18. well here in stye town im not gonna get my hopes up for tonight. at least i am getting a reliable 3g signal now, so i got that going for me.

  19. Thanks for the efforts, Con Ed! Much appreciated.

  20. and a big shout-out to the guy at verizon on 2nd avenue & 13th street for his hospitality and good will in accommodating the neighborhood with phone (and other device) battery charging and a warm place with lights and a flat-screen tv.
    he (with other staff help) made the verizon office a welcome place for neighborhood residents, kids, dogs, everyone.
    even gave the kids verizon coloring books and crayons.
    not at all like the verizon store on east 86th street that did allow charging outlets but did not have the warm welcome.
    i never thought i'd praise verizon like this. they should give these folks on 13th street bonus just for community relations,

  21. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.November 2, 2012 at 7:54 PM

    I'm on 9th and have electricity, hot water, and a trickle of heat. I almost cried getting into the shower!

    A HUGE thank you to the people at Con Ed for working around the clock to make this possible.

    And shout outs to the people at Percy's Tavern on Avenue A and 12th Street and Verizon on 2nd Avenue and 13th Street for supplying cell phone charges. If Verizon is reading this, please give Sam a huge fucking Christmas bonus.

  22. How's 11th btw B&C looking?
    ( 6. Month old infant )

  23. Happy to have electricity. Apartment is freezing however, and not warming up.

  24. Avenue D! Electricity! Cell Phone! Internet! Heat! Hot Water!

    What a week. Happy that you're all safe. Best wishes to those who aren't.

  25. It's great that we have lights again. But don't let's forget the people who have nothing. Grieve, could you let us know if there are any local efforts under way where we could help out?

  26. For some residences and businesses, especially the ones on Avenues C and D, this is going to be a longer recovery process. Very happy to have our power back on on 11th Street between A & B. Thank you to Con Ed for working so hard to get much of Alphabet City's power restored, and thank you to everyone in the neighborhood for pulling together, helping each other out and keeping things calm over here in Alphabet. But please keep in mind that some businesses, like the Yankee Deli at the corner of 11th Street and Avenue C that DO NOT have their power back on yet because their basements are still flooded. The pumping of water out of basements was still going on all day today (Friday Nov. 2) on 11th Street between C & D. Today we saw NYPD Traffic tow trucks actually moving cars a little bit either slightly up or slightly down the block so that people could get in with generators and hoses to pump out the basements on that block. Today there was still a lot of water being pumped out of the basements of the Jacob Riss Housing Projects too. Hopefully everyone will continue to help out in whatever way they can with the ongoing recovery.

  27. Any word on the sky east building at 11th and ave c?

  28. Sky East building on 11th has power on in some apts. Lower level and 1st floor I am told don't have power. The East River has been pumped out of the building. Also told no hot water, heat, cable/internet for entire building.

  29. No hot water, cable or Internet @ 624 E. 11th St. Swamped bottom floor. Thank goodness for renters insurance I suppose but do we have any rights? I''m cold.


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