Friday, December 14, 2012

Former employee says: Rawvolution has closed

Last week we noted that Rawvolution, the vegan cafe on East 12th Street, would be closed until Jan. 1 for "renovations."

Meanwhile, a now-former employee sent us the following:

"Rawvolution closed down to the public as of December 1 (with no reason, warning, or heads up to their employees…shady shady.)"

We haven't heard anything official yet from ownership...


  1. I knew something was up when another employee told reader Jill that the owner was in California. He lives in California!

  2. Maybe cooked food made cavemen into modern humans and allowed our brains to run and operate a business today? I hate seeing any business fail especially one on my block but this one was a long shot. Did I just say shot?

  3. haha isn't gingersnaps on 7th street the same thing?

  4. This place was full of crap served spoiled food bounced checks and when you complain they fire you thx god they are done


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