Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wafels & Dinges hoping for a spring opening on Avenue B

[Jan. 5]

Last April 4, we first reported that Wafels & Dinges will open its first café based on the same concept as the popular food trucks in circulation around the city... W&D founder Thomas DeGeest, an East Village resident, provided a brief update on the storefront on Avenue B and East Second Street.

"Our store is progressing at turtle speed. I'm hoping for March or April," he said via a Facebook message. "Building trucks is definitely easier."

He also noted that it "will be as much a good coffee place as a waffle and ice cream place."

And no frozen yogurt.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Is Wafels & Dinges opening a café on Second Street and Avenue B?


  1. I have never had W&D, but I have always thought lower B is under served as far as coffee goes. Betola was a good addition, but not right on B. Sigmunds has good coffee, but it seems their hours change, so its tough to count on them. These guys have had some success, hopefully it is deserved. That looks like a nice storefront there.

  2. This shizz is all so boring.

  3. I don't know about these waffle people (and a Dutch friend thinks that they're funny because they're Belgian, and he says they're probably bad drivers, too, because they're Belgian), but I do know that Turtle Pace is a good pace.

  4. Gecko, if they're Belgian, they may be worse drivers than the Dutch, but they sure know a thing or two about good food (something that can't be said of the Dutch).

  5. I'll confess I've had their waffles for dinner on the way home. They're pretty delicious. This would be an awesome brunch spot and a good add to B!

  6. Given the construction pace of the space in question they'll be open in spring 2018. That place has been dragging for years.

  7. These guys are OK, I'd be glad to have them on B as long as they don't jack their prices up too much.

    However, if it's really popular there could be lines outside which would suck. We'll see.

  8. This is trendy food for the newbies, but I support it, because it is non-chain affordable fare, probably made with decent ingredients rather than chemically preserved non-food, owned by a resident and birthed from a successful mom and pop. i dont go to the big gay ice cream store either, but i enthusiastically support those guys as a goods addition to the hood.
    good luck belgians.

  9. @Glamma: Trendy? They were served at the 1964 World's Fair, where my uncle memorably sat on one that was topped with whipped cream.

  10. Yes, Barbara. It can get kind of schitzo around here. People tying to open up small, local businesses can be characterized as a return to what made immigrant city neighborhoods great, and as elitist foreign invaders, all in the same breath.

  11. Yes they didn't invent the Belgian waffle- So it can't possibly be a trendy restaurant because waffles already exist?
    It definitely seems to be marketed to hipster types, but it looks delicious and the prices look good so I wish them well and may have to pop in for some snacks.

  12. Wafels & Dinges is a nice idea for a street truck but nothing beats the taste of a freshly home-made waffle.
    also better is home-made whipped cream.
    waffles are easy to make.
    but it's not an artisinal free range bar so good luck to them.


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