Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breaking: Death Star getting some life

As this photo from ‏@Ewingweb shows... workers are putting in some shrubbery, trees, etc., this afternoon outside 51 Astor Place... hopefully there will be some sun left for the green things.


  1. Or it could be a giant mushroom ready to soak up all that shadow.....

  2. Let's green-bomb the entire thing with wisteria and ivy.

  3. Don't trees need sunlight? The Death Star blocks out all the sun.

  4. this freakin monstrosity startles me every time i pass it. awful and so out of place. i never thought i'd miss that crappy ugly low building that was there before it. was it a Seattle's Best Coffee before the Starbucks?

  5. Not a fan of the building and agree with evilsugar that I never thought I'd miss the ugly predecessor but I have been pleasantly surprised at certain times of the day when the windows reflect fantastic cloudscapes. Although perhaps that's just the deathstar lulling me into complacency.

  6. Architects should know better...but then greed makes them do all sorts of nasty things to our neighborhood. This one just happens to be bigger and more prominent than most.

  7. Agree with post above. The only way I can "see" this building is to see the reflections it provides. Otherwise, meh!

  8. It was Cafe Pasqua before Starbucks


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