Thanks to @chufucious for passing along this photo showing the brand-new bike corrals in front of Continuum Cycles (and Continuum Coffee) on Avenue B near East 12th Street...
Here's a photo of the DOT installing them yesterday via @nixta ...

Back in December, we noted that CB3 OK'd bike corrals (CityRacks!) for the 4th Street Food Co-op and Continuum Cycles.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Here's your new East Ninth Street bike rack (18 comments)
More bike corrals on the way for East Village businesses
Good move. The design is about as simple and functional and unobtrusive as possible. Hopefully these will be placed on every block with parking eventually.
- East Villager
absolutely insane and asinine. of course, considering the management of that ridiculous bike/coffee shop, what can you expect?
Give me back my good old neighborhood I grew up in! HELP! Get rid of Yuppie bike shops, Yuppie Pet Spas, Overpriced Yuppie Restaurants! And all such similar things.
Must they take away parking for cars in order to park bicycles? It's hard enough to park a car around here already.
great ..take away two parking spaces so a bike or two can park while the bike shop gets around to fixing them...oh and no one in the neighborhood thinks that coffee shop was needed, or that it's that good!
I'm all for bicycles but it's unfair to give away street space that benefits only one business. Next thing you know every restaurant will want to put on outdoor deck on the street for their business.
the dumbest idea ever in years! two three bikes park waiting to be repaired at the bike shop and a coffee shop that is only the third or fourth in a neighborhood full of much better java spots! People who live and work here need those parking spots!
I agree with the point about taking up parking spaces...it seems like another option could have been chosen related to their location (I know, I know, cars are evil). Of course, maybe cars can still park there, though this seems doubtful.
These racks will soon be filled with dilapidated nyc bikes that people remove from their apartments to give themselves more space.
I doubt these are here specifically for the repair shop. The city is installing such corrals on other streets as well. Anyone can park there, I believe, no need to have any affiliation with or be a customer of the business the spaces happen to be in front of.
- East Villager
These bike corrals are for everyone's use. I don't know why some drivers assume they have the right to every inch of road space in this city. Cars are huge and often carry just 1 passenger. Bikes take up far less space and deserve some street parking too. If you have such a huge problem finding parking, maybe you should take the subway like the rest of us.
Save the outrage for CitiBike which plans to install bike kiosks every six feet this spring.
ya, it seems like a lot of bike racks for one spot....maybe just 4 would suffice ?
Lets see if Bloomberd takes up metered parking spots for free bike parking....doubt it !
I wait for the day a Dodge Ram comes along looking for parking and flattens this eyesore.
Don't worry, coming soon from some Agenda 21 bankster politician you all will elect shortly (aka Quinn) you're gonna see 1. bikes required to be licensed (yes a fee) and the NYPD will be on your ass and will confiscate for another fine if you aren't registered 2. metered bike spaces with confiscation and additional fines. They'll call it a green fee. hell, they'll require a chip in the registration sticker and use drones to monitor your movement as the US turns to full techno-totalitarianism. Oh by the way, when the banksters finally egt bridge tolls enacted on those bridges thetax payers have paid for over and over again - your bikes will get tolled too. You don't think they're gonna let you ride for free for too long, do you. Someone has to pay for those roads.
How about a bike toll on the bridge?
Just put a cage around the bike path for several miles leading up to the toll!
The seize the bike of the NYorker who can't pay the toll
Sarcasm off
Bike could co exist with cars on separate but dedicated thoroughfares
Jeez people! When did cars OWN the city! The streets are parking lots--an idea which is not inevitable or natural or "authentic" or anti-yuppie.
There is no reason streets need to be parking lots for cars...or should be. We can use them for whatever purpose seems worthwhile.
Where do car drivers/owners get off demanding they get every inch of streets that are supposedly for the public at large??
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