Thursday, April 18, 2013

Someone stole the Burger Shop sign on St. Mark's Place

The Burger Shop opened on St. Mark's Place back in the fall of 2011 ... it is owned by Gregory Nardello and his father, who hail from Queens... While the place recently changed the name to The Village Joker, the Burger Shop sign was left hanging to help during the transition period.

But! Gregory Nardello shared this with us.

"Some time between Sunday night and Monday morning that sign was stolen off the building. Although I was planning to take the sign down soon anyway, I was really hoping to keep it for a couple of reasons. One being that this is the first restaurant I have ever opened and that was the only signage that I have remaining. The second reason is that I made the sign, and I really would of liked to hold on to it for sentimental value."

So, he would love to have the sign back... "if the person who took it would anonymously be willing to give it back. I am willing to offer a small reward for it."

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