Sunday, April 14, 2013

Zoltar still sees a glassless future in the East Village

As we reported yesterday, a group of youths apparently and/or allegedly smashed Zoltar's glass outside Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. East Village Hawkeye heard that Zoltar would be repaired last night.

However. When we stopped by this morning to ask Zoltar who the Giants would take in the first round of the NFL draft (D.J. Fluker? Chance Warmack?), the machine was still out of commission. Someone did clean up the broken glass from inside his perch.

In the meantime, we do like the street-sign shadow on the back of Zoltar's box.


  1. Zoltar can still see you. And he knows what you're thinking.

  2. Perhaps upon his return, Zoltar will be able to predict when the Community Board(s) will stop issuing new liquor licenses.

  3. After three days ZOLTAR will be resurrected


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