[Bobby Williams]
Workers continued to pour the new sidewalks outside the incoming 7-Eleven on Avenue A and East 11th Street yesterday ... which is expected to be ready now for a November opening...

And there was someone on duty during the evening to prevent anyone from doodling on the fresh concrete...
I was at the Precinct community meeting last night. There was discussion around the apparent fact that lots of syringes are found directly outside the 7-11 on St. Marks Place and people have been witnessed shooting up near there (which I personally find amazing because it is so open, seems counter-intuitive). Local residents and members of Archangel Security were both concerned about this and about disposal (don't want people picking them up and putting them into the corner trash baskets due to potentially hurting sanitation workers). I'm afraid I didn't bring up the possibility that a 7-11 on Avenue A -- being closer to the park and all -- might also have this problem when it opens, but it's food for thought.
As the comment above points out will 7-11 on 11th be the new Crusty central? Being a block from the park may prove to be irresistible for the dirty dozen. Unlike St. Marks place (2nd and 3rd aves) Ave A at 11th is a quiet residential area and not the an area for "punk revivalists" and European tourists which means less pan handling potential. I hope those with children that frequent the Tompkins and the Sauer park playground have something to say about this.
Does this suprise anyone? Go to the news section in Google, search for 7-Eleven and you'll see they are synonymous with crime around the country. Junkies will fit right in.
I commented on an earlier 7-11 post, and made reference to this issue.
The only people I see in and around these 7-11s are junkies and the generally indigent.
I think this is going to be very interesting.
I hate 7-11 as much as the next guy but seriously ? You think 7-11 is going to bring a bunch of herion using scumbags to the area ? You're not going to gain anyones sympathy with ridiculous comments like that.
Gain sympathy for what? Who is looking for sympathy?
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