Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cement and 'peaceful support' today at the Children's Magical Garden

[Nicole Turcotte]

A reader sent us the following email this morning about the Children's Magical Garden, the scene of a showdown yesterday between a developer and residents:

"The developer's workers showed up with a truck full of cement and began cementing the fence in place despite promises yesterday that they would not do so."

The Lo-Down has a photo and more about this here.

Meanwhile, this afternoon from 2-4, residents will be gathering for "peaceful support" and banner making at the longtime garden on Stanton and Norfolk.

This story is receiving a lot of media attention. Aside from the outlets that we linked to yesterday, find more articles at:

Runnin' Scared

The New York Times

The Villager





  1. From the Urban Renewals section of

    Serge has been a major contributor to the renewal of the Lower East Side. By renovating buildings in order to meet the needs of a changing community and attracting retail tenants which enhance the area, his vision has assuredly reinvigorated the area. Always at the forefront, Serge continues to implement improvements and new development to ensure the neighborhood's sustained growth.

  2. they should just cut the fence down at night...a banner aint gonna do shit when the developer sees opportunity to make money

  3. Father Mancini's CornerMay 16, 2013 at 9:57 PM

    Now and forever known as Serge Hoyda "The Greedy," who destroyed a three-decades old children's garden, in order to further enrich himself. Worth it, Serge?

  4. I've never "Hoyda" such a miserable grinch, who would do something like this. Of course he did not have the guts to give advance notice which would spark protest, much less show up at the garden itself to face the people he's hurting.


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