Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8

Our very own Bobby Williams spotted this beauty late this afternoon near East Houston and Second Avenue... the quick-thinking photographer also calmly found a Daily News for authentication purposes.

And there's a happy ending: the tree was just mulched and mashed into Vegan Bowery Burgers at Whole Foods.


  1. Pfftt! Amateur, Bobby.
    Get back to us with a snap, come September - October.
    Then we'll talk.

    Hell, last year I saw one late November.
    ...Shut up... I did too!!! You can't prove I didn't!

  2. Not to be a wet blanket on the competition -- but in our backyard (which was flooded) both pine-y trees died recently and we cut them down. Not the pictured tree, but maybe there is some tree blight going around, or fatal flood damage?

  3. Authentication as to the state of affairs for our boys in blue


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