Monday, May 6, 2013

More support on the way for the bending elm in Tompkins Square Park?

On Friday, GammaBlog noted that the bending elm in the center of Tompkins Square Park was down to one support cable, and that the lashing around the cable appeared to be fraying... (The second cable was lost during Sandy).

Earlier today, workers arrived and cordoned off the area surrounding the tree...

No word yet on what exactly will be happening here...

Photos via our friends at MoRUS...

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Concern for the bending elm in Tompkins Square Park


  1. Anybody want to take a guess? (cynicism)

  2. Hopefully they'll cut down that stupid, old tree and put up a pop-up frozen yogurt or 7-11 cart. Just in time for summer!!!!!!!!

  3. I am guessing it will be taken down. I hope I am wrong.

  4. Hope they can save it, but you can be sure it was EV Grieve and Gamma that caused the tape to go up, thus saving someone's life! :-)

    Remember what happened in Central Park some years ago? Some kid got killed by a falling limb!

  5. Any ideas on how to prevent the cutting down the tree?


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