Friday, May 3, 2013

This weekend at the 6th Street and Ave. B Garden

Via the EV Grieve inbox ... information about the the 6th Street and Ave. B Garden's annual plant and bake sale the weekend ... the funds raised go to to the Garden's Events Committee, which brings dance, theatre, music and other happenings to the East Village community.

As one Garden member told us, "This year, fundraising is especially important for us, as we are still dealing with aftermath of the Hurricane Sandy damage to our stage roof (under which most events are held). So anyone who comes by will also be able to donate funds directly to that repair effort, if they wish."

[Photo from after Sanday via peter radley]

Also of note.. Garden member Briar Winters, the pastry chef of the recently shuttered Masak on East 13th Street, will be baking her jasmine tea shortbread for the bake sale...

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