Along Third Avenue between East Ninth Street and Astor Place, o
ne tree remain throughout construction of 51 Astor Place... Having survived all
that, a worker was spotted yesterday...

Stephen Popkin]
...removing the tree...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Workers chopping down trees at 51 Astor Place
God forbid there is a tree near this monstrosity. What a shame to lose a perfectly healthy tree.
...perhaps they can build a luxury condo on the spot where the tree stood. just a little one.
Why? Seriously, why on earth?
These people are soulless.
Is that even legal?
That's a pretty remarkable thing considering that if a tree is even damaged in anyway during construction it's a $10,ooo. fine min. not to mention that if one removes a tree the cost is calculated on the trees growth at the time of removal.
As taxpayers and residents are we eligable to know what the compensation is to the city and our neighborhood is for such removal?
Fucking assholes. Who cuts down a g-d damned tree in Manhattan?
Just gratuitously awful. It's as if someone said to himself "I haven't been enough of a dick today. What scummy thing can I do that will put me over the top?"
It's illegal to remove a tree without the legal permission by the City, specifically the Dept of Parks, and the plan to replant at the same or more acreage of that which was removed. i.e. Macombs Dam Park for Yankee Stadium.
No respect for old buildings OR old trees.
"Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design."
Why were they allowed to murder this beautiful air freshening and healthy tree? In which circle of hell of Dante's inferno were the suicides who became suffering trees for eternity? This is the punishment these cretins deserve! As a taxpayer and resident, I am truly outraged and sickened.
Infect 41 Astor Place with thousands of Asian longhorn beetles and call Parks to cut it down and reduce it to a heap of broken glass.
They're replacing the sidewalks around the building - along it's northern edge, the first to be replaced, they've sunk plots for new trees to be planted. I expect they'll do the same for the other sides. It's also worth pointing out that they've already planted about 6 new trees in the plaza they're building.
you EV grievers are such babies. they are planting new trees you jabronis
Yes yes yes, we've all seen the concept art, we know there are new trees coming in. But after a perfectly good tree survived the demolition of the old building and the entire construction process of the new building, to take this hardy survivor and kill it simply because it didn't fit in with someone's preplanned layout just seems gratuitous.
Of course it's anthropomorphizing. But those of us who've lived here for a long time can't help but project ourselves onto a tree like that: something that survived all the upheavals of the past several decades but is now considered an unnecessary nuisance with no place in the real estate developers' East Village of the future.
wow... how incredibly stupid to do this AFTER everything it went thru and survived. Its analogous to having survived a car accident, recovering and then being shot during a mugging.
It might as well been chopped when the demolition began, its probably is Cooper Union's FUCK YOU to the community.
Death Star = Bunch of pussies.
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