Sunday, June 9, 2013

Puke Island 2013

In Tompkins Square Park this afternoon... Puke Island 2013... The Minor Cuts...

... and The Graveyard School...

And at the pop-up piano... some mindless bloodletting.

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Goggla has some photos here.


  1. The New Money Yuppie Breeders and Kidult fratties were sure agitated by the music. This kind of music isn't played in the Midwest! Won't be long until their lawyers sue for No Concerts In the Park. Trust me — that day is coming. I overheard the yuppies.

  2. This music is an assault on the neighborhood.

  3. @Anonymous 9:45PM: That kind of music is being played in the Midwest, you just have to know where to find it. Great photos, Bobby!

  4. Everyone could use a bit of punk rock now and then. Got to love that yellow and red hair.

  5. Is it even "punk" anymore when they simply look like costumed pensioners?

  6. Are you saying that Baudrillard was correct, Bro?

  7. About a hundred anti-talented life-hating people screaming "Die! Die! Die!" turned an otherwise nice Sunday into a nightmare for everybody else in the park. I am starting to love the High Line and Washington Square Park much more than TSP. The music is certainly better there.


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