Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Everything you've ever wanted to know about the Little Free Library, probably

[From May]

You've likely seen one of the 10 Little Free Libraries around downtown Manhattan ... such as the one above in Extra Place... they arrived in May ... and are expected to be up until Sept. 1. (Organizers from the PEN World Voices Festival and the Architectural League of New York will reevaluate the locations at that time...)

Anyway, if you're interested in why and how all these came together, there's a 10-minute video that may (or may not!) answer all your questions...

[H/T Gizmodo]


  1. Hello from an EVer spending the week in Wisconsin, where Little Free Libraries began and where they also get BANNED! and BURNED!

    Because people are wonderful and creative and people are uptight and cray cray.

  2. Nope. Not interested.


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