EVG Senior First Avenue Rite Aid Correspondent Goggla checks in with the latest on the mural update on the East Fifth Street side of, uh, Rite Aid... Enchanted?
Indeed, I'm suddenly and strangely compelled to clip a coupon to save 40 percent off my next purchase of Preference by L'Oreal.
Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] As the Rite Aid turns (colors)
Gotta give 'em credit. They didn't have to do this.
I want more citi bike stories!
I love the mural....it's soooo sweet BUT goddamn those blue fuckin tubs!!!!
Love it!
It's a frigging full time job keeping merry munchkins from the Enchanted Wall out of those blue baskets, let me tell you.
I asked them 18,456 times to paint this damn mural and they finally did! A DREAM COME TRUE. Now I can concentrate on getting that wicker man basket built in front of the Duane Reade on Astor!
If you look in Aisle 5a, the gel caps labelled "DSL" are actually backwards.
The employees took some and look what happened.
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