Tuesday, August 6, 2013

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[10th and D via Bobby Williams]

Here comes CVS to East Houston (BoweryBoogie)

Katz's getting the coffee-book treatment (Zagat)

Somehow I missed this news of the one and only Mick Farren's death (The New York Times)

LES resident launches the Get Off My Bike Lane blog (The Lo-Down)

Man likes to have his photo taken with Citi Bikes (Runnin' Scared)

History of 809 Broadway (Off the Grid)

A feature on Shakespeare in the Parking Lot (AP via The Wall Street Journal)

Video: The last days of Maxwell's (NJ.com)

From the realtor who used "Bedwick" (Bushwick meets Bed-Stuy) in an ad: "I don’t see the big deal—I think people should embrace change. If people are that afraid of gentrification, that’s their fault." (Gothamist)

The old Woolworth Building's grand lobby (Curbed)

Development battle lining up at the Parish House of the Madison Avenue Baptist Church (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

...and EVG reader Adam Price noted the spiffy new sign/awning combo that went up Saturday on East 10th Street and First Avenue...

... previously...

And tonight as part of the ongoing MoRUS Film Festival: Home in Loisaida Films! Featuring "B/Side," directed by Abigail Child; and "Not For Sale," directed by Yael Bitton.

At La Plaza Cultural, Avenue C and East Ninth Street.


  1. get off "my bike lane"? What is a driver had a blog get out of "my crosswalk"?

    Some people in this City are fervently douchebaggish.

  2. "I missed this news of the one and only Mick Farren's death"
    what a drag, I missed this too. I look at his blog frequently. He had been writing another book in his renquist series. He was one of the good ones. His old sci fi holds up very well, he was way ahead of the cyberpunks (e.g, The Feelies).

  3. I want to start a blog called "Traffic lights apply to self-entitled bike riders too"

  4. grieve, grump -- Yes, Mick Farren was one of a kind. He was wickedly clever and a hell of a lot of fun to be around. I scarcely knew him, but I miss him.

  5. hate the new awning btw.


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