Here's one way to solve that Citi Bike docking station overcrowding problem — just open your own! EVG reader JSS shared these photos from this morning on East 11th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...
Reader Chris M. notes that the three bikes are actually locked up together...

Says Chris: "Not sure what happened but my guess is that the riders couldn't find an empty docking station, gave up, and took the bikes home."
Meanwhile, we're still calculating the overtime fees...
The endless obsession with Citibikes...
Awwwwww, Anon, you're upset that a mayor who's transformed this city for the worse is getting some bad pub.
Is it time for you to ca$h your trust fund check? Shouldn't you be at the Hamptons with your friends? Maybe you can despense some advice while hanging out at a bar looking for Mr. Goodbar.
R. Liotta
More likely stolen by some of the same idiots who take pleasure in trying to disrupt this singularly positive and successful program. Along with publishing this stupidity, if you know the location you might report this to the authorities so the bikes can be returned.
Yesterday afternoon my friend and I saw a young woman haul her Citibike into her apartment building on 10th Street between 1st and 2nd. We were trying to make sense of that one.
Awww, Liotta, I'm happy to give you an excuse to vent your anger, but I'm not your target audience. I've lived in the E Vill since '92. Not happy about the change the neighborhood has gone through.
However, I use Citibikes. I like this blog. But the Citibike thing gets a bit tiresome after a while.
I'll bet ten bucks and a CitiBike fob that some 15 year old Russian hacker has just figured out how to defeat the GPS tracking devices by using a piece of chewing gum and aluminum foil. There should be plenty of empty spaces in all those Citibike racks once the news gets around...
CitiBike lovers treating the Blue Demons like shit is even better than the CitiBike haters treating the Blue Demons like shit.
That moment when a group of tourists realize that riding 900lbs of corporate bikes through the city isn't cool.
As an avid bicyclist I was initially positive about this program but now I have soured on it. 1) because it's tearing this community apart and b) as it turns out a lot of these renters are riding around in a way that's both inconsiderate to others and unsafe for themselves. It stresses me out.
Funny how no one wants to steal these tanks.
From the start, I've been leery of this $hitibike program, because it represents to me corporate greed cashing in on a trend. I'm encouraged to hear $hitibank is losing money on it, however.
I'm petriifed to ride a bike in the city anyway, so maybe I shouldn't even have a say, but this program seemed like a losing proposition from the start.
The battle is over and I lost.
OK.. this makes zero sense to me, the amount of overtime charges you'd have to pay would be nuts.
Maybe these re-balancing trucks should go to someone who has been to at least two full docks.
The thing that gets me is you have people on these bikes that haven't rode a bike since they were 5 and they are making it very dangerous for other bikers....I see them tumbling down and never getting tickets fro being on sidewalks, going the opposite way etc....
From the start, I've been leery of overrighteous undersensible activists taking stands on nonexistent issues without bothering to do a 5 minute google to figure out that Citibank actually has nothing to do with the bike share system except that they paid a few million dollars to get their logo on it. They can't make money on it because they don't own it and never did. I bet you think your Beyonce tickets at the new Brooklyn stadium go to Barclays Bank, too.
Legitimate Golf,
By 'community' you mean the community of EVGrieve commenters, right? Citibikes isn't on anyone else's radar.
Anonymous 5:52,
It's hopeless arguing with facts to Citibike-haters. It's only a matter of time before they start complaining about the color blue!
Anonymous 5:52,
They're more slacktivist than activist!
This program is hugely successful, I see people from all walks of life using them. Yes, a few are clueless, but most are not. I even met a man who has an enlarged heart using them in order to save his life by changing his lifestyle.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Citbike is a success.
Repeat 100x.
I like the name, Citibike. It's like a bike you would ride in the citi!
I can't think for myself.
I'll let corporation and the government decide for me.
I have no mind of my own.
I'm a minldless sheeple.
I just repeat what others say or do.
Repeat forever.
Chugging around the city like The Little Engine Who Could on a 400 pound bike would explode a heart, not help it. And stop planting bullshit comments. You met a man who randomly decided to disclose his medical history to you, a stranger? Sure. With each fake comment I hate these bikes more.
True story: I just met a woman who gave birth to her first child while riding a CitiBike to the hospital. Since she couldn't find a docking station, she was forced to circle the hospital for several hours while looking for a place to park. Eventually the kid just popped out, landing right in the little handlebar basket. And the good news is since the ride was so smooth and the seat was comfortable, she didn't even have to go to the hospital and pay all those expensive doctor bills. The sweetest part of all is she's naming the kid Blue, in honor of her favorite bike sharing program. Unfortunately his last name is a Balls, but hopefully no one will notice So let's all welcome Blue Balls, the cute little tyke that was born on a CitiBike.
So you thought youd open mouth captain goody good. Bunch of snitches in this neighborhood now. Why even come here?
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