A scene from yesterday morning over on East Sixth Street, where David Schwimmer is apparently moving into a newly created mansion ... someone left the above message on the plywood for the actor who played Ross Geller on "Friends" ... Marc, who lives across the street, snapped the photo and noted that workers later painted over the Rossffiti.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Is David Schwimmer the 'Friends' star who now owns the demolished 331 E. Sixth St. townhouse?
Outrage over total demolition of historic East Sixth Street townhouse
Here is David Schwimmer's East Village home
c'mon folks, time to get over an old buildings demise.
ReplyDeletehey Annon 9:20, this is more of a celebration of a new neighbor.
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't be the EV without a bit of humor... no matter how many apartments you have people kicked out of.
My building has a pile of garbage in front of it and a man sleeping in a tarp, with what looks like quite the shiner. Can't wait for the condo next door to see this. Uh-Oh
But it's a beautiful sunny day
You know .. I laughed plenty when we first heard Ross, I mean David, was moving in, but I don't know anymore ... like, why are people picking on him so much, and not, say, Daniel Craig, or any of the other dozen annoying celebrities who have suddenly decided the EV is cool?
ReplyDeleteYes, he tore down a perfectly viable building, but replaced it with something not completely terrible-looking. Would I have torn down the old building? Of course not, but I also think what's done is done and this graffiti is bordering on harassment. So yes, David Schwimmer, I will help you PIVOT your futon up the stairs on moving day (YES, I LIKE FRIENDS, SUE ME)
I also like frozen yogurt sometimes. It's embarrassing confessions day at EVG.
I love the "old" neighborhood and culture as much as anyone.
ReplyDeleteI am also perplexed by the American Dream
Work hard, do the best you can, try to be successful. When you get there, people will resent you for doing so well.
@Anon. 11:36 - You think a humorous graffiti tag and lots of posts on a blog Schwimmer will probably never read (sorry EVG) is "harassment"? Go find some of the posts or news stories about the things landlords do to get rid of old or rent-regulated tenants, and readjust your definition of harassment. This is the EV version of the Bronx Cheer; if he is so sensitive that such things bother him, then Ross should have stayed in LA, where he belongs.
ReplyDeleteGojira, I actually think Schwimmer or someone he knows did read the posts here, because I remember a few people calling it harassment back then. At the time I didn't agree -- I felt the ribbing was deserved -- but now, I'm not so sure. You call it a Bronx Cheer, I find the graffiti rather mean-spirited (and really unclever to boot).
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't know why you're taking this rather nasty tone with me or comparing a rich actor to the Ben Shaouls of the world, as if I don't have an issue with Jared Kushner just because I feel sort of bad for Ross. Girl, take it easy.
Finally, Wikipedia tells me that Schwimmer was born in New York City. Maybe he "belongs" in LA, but why do you get to decide that?
So long as the man doesn't steal my spot on the couch at the local coffee shop he can live wherever he wants!
ReplyDeleteWho was it that said:
ReplyDeleteBlogging is graffiti with punctuation?
It is ridiculous that people are worried that he will feel harassed or offended, you must know all of you are less important to this guy than a piece of gum stuck on his shoe? And always shall be.
ReplyDeleteSo screw you, and this guy too. Equality.
Exactly how does one harass a fucking fictional character? That wasn't a reality show was it?
ReplyDeleteOther than the fact that Schwimmer is responsible for the demise of this old building, what else did he do to get this kind of treatment from his neighbors? And it's not like the new look of the building is as obnoxious as 51 Astor Place. The other newly renovated/built buildings around the hood even look more tacky and way worse than Schwimmer's "mansion".
ReplyDeleteC'mon you guys, give him a break. It was funny at first, yeah, but this is getting too much. And it seems like the dude comes in peace anyway. Just get over it and welcome our new neighbor with R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
I will respect him if he sits on the stoop with Marcel and poses for pictures with us.
ReplyDeleteLike he had any R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the neighborhood before he even moved in. He D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T-E-D it. What goes around comes around.
ReplyDelete'A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could.' Welcome to the neighborhood David and your toadies.
That graffiti is so Rachel!
ReplyDeleteJesus people, saying maybe we should not give Schwimmer such a hard time is not being a "toadie," it's being a decent human being. I don't agree with what he did, tearing down a landmarked building, but I think the anger about that has been well expressed by now.
ReplyDeleteUnless you'd like to graffiti and water-balloon every single douche model and club owner and banker that moved into the brand-new EV construction over the past ten years, or the students who turned our rent-stabilized buildings into dorms full of loud idiots, I'll continue to wonder why Schwimmer is being singled out.
Certainly part of the particular loathing he inspires comes from the ( fictional ) character he portrays, tho I have not been able to ever sit thru an episode, but I know they are a bunch of smug self-concerned model looking rich-kid types with rather plush digs. An embodiment of the ruination of this area. Is the real guy the same thing, I have no idea.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who has been living in a rent-stabilized apartment in the East Village for decades. Many would consider this apartment as substandard living. The place is old and it smells. She is a clean person and does her place to renovate but the space is just falling apart and landlords are too cheap to renovate rent-stabilized apartments. Many of these buildings are beyond a face life. Who would prefer living in these roach-infested conditions? As long as they are replaced by tasteful structures rather than glass and steel cages, who cares?
ReplyDeleteI'll take David Schwimmer over any of the young douchebags who traipse in and out of my building all day and night, clomping up the stairs and screaming all the time. At least Schwimmer is an adult.
ReplyDeleteThis guy should be happy, let's remember what went on for years at the Christadora.
ReplyDeleteAugust 28, 2013 at 12:45 PM
ReplyDeleteHe was raised in LA.
But that's besides the point. This graffiti is RUDE. And living up to the rude stereotypes. And I live here and I welcome him to the neighborhood. It's a shame a few bitter people are showing such animosity towards him, most East Village people like him and welcome him to the neighborhood.
Envy is a horrible thing.
Is he going to "flip the bird" like all the other celebs? (see post referenced on the thread above) Can EVG get the exclusive photo on that? Fro-yo, Bro?
ReplyDeleteSo far the fellow has shown nothing but disregard and disrespect for the neighborhood. Who knows if you or I would do better with that kind of crazy loot in our pocket, but those busy throwing adoration at the guy should realize, as the old expression goes, that he wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
ReplyDeleteit's just drunk graffiti from some bloated cokehead 40 year old poser anyways. maybe if he's real lucky it'll make it into some overhyped coffee table book. that's every east village overgrown peter pan's dream right? SO punk.
ReplyDeleteOne less fire to put out.
ReplyDeletePeople are much safer when an old building is brought up to the municipal fire code.
Detectors and alarms are good.