By James Maher
Name: Kathy Von Hartz
Occupation: Teacher
Location: Meltzer Park, 1st Street between 1st and A
Time: 1 pm on Monday, Aug. 19
I grew up in Puerto Rico, Cuba and Mexico. My father represented U.S. Steel exports and my mother was a teacher and they met in Puerto Rico. I spent my first 15 years in those three countries. I’m a teacher and my husband is a writer. He wrote for Time Life books and I taught at Head Start at Escuela Hispana Montessori.
My husband and I moved to the neighborhood 48 years ago after we were married. We lived on 6th Street between C and D for eight years. Affordability brought us here and once we had our first child, we found lots of room on East 6th Street.
Eventually we bought the building behind me. We could afford it on our teacher’s salary because nobody wanted to buy anything here. The building had been for sale for five years and nobody wanted it. It cost $64,000 for 10 one-bedroom apartments. But everybody still thought we were crazy. We could just make the mortgage payments and we renovated each apartment as it slowly turned over. We made do.
When we were living on 6th Street, we had a backyard for our children but I couldn’t let them use it. Teenage kids would get into the building on 5th Street, go up to the roof and throw bricks down into our backyard for fun. We made it through for 8 years and then one day as we rode the bus along Houston Street, I said, “Oh I want to live in one of those houses on 2nd Street that backs out onto Meltzer Park, because no one can throw anything down.” So I knocked on all the the five doors that backed out onto the park, and two of them said, “Yes we want to sell” and one of them was a better deal for us. So the park led us to this place.
Meltzer Park was built 42 years ago, two years before we moved in. When the 20-story Max Meltzer Senior Housing was built, they created the park because they needed to compensate for putting a skyscraper in a low-rise neighborhood. There were originally seven tenements here that had been torn down after a fire.
I formed the 2nd Street Block Association shortly after moving here. We got all of the 10 trees planted on 2nd Street. That was about 35 years ago. The City and the Parks Department had a superplan and they said they needed suggestions of where to put trees, for $20 a piece, and so I signed up immediately, sent a check for $200 and later we collected money from everybody and made wooden tree guards that are long since gone.
And then the drug situation became intolerable. We didn’t notice it when we first moved in, in 1973, but after a few years we did. They used to make their escape through the park. They’d line up for the drugs along 2nd Street in two phases. The money would be passed in one line and then you could go in another line and when the drugs came you got out of there. There would be someone on the corner with a whistle and when they whistled the guys with the drugs would just disappear through the park and get away from the police.
So I got the people in Meltzer to lock the park at night so that they couldn’t have the passage through. And eventually Howard Hemsley formed a group of people in the area called Before Another Shelter Tears Us Apart. They made a video of drug dealing and crack smoking on 3rd Street, where the men’s shelter is, because they had all these people coming to stay at the shelter and they didn’t have enough room for them. That video turned everything around. It helped spread awareness.
My husband would confront the dealers in a very respectful way and they would actually listen to him and move off the street. He would go up and tell them, “Please move; there are children on this block; there are old people on this block; we can’t have this.” They would say, “Yeah man, I understand” and go away.
So they moved down between Avenue A and B. But then we noticed this pattern where people with New Jersey plates would find parking on this nice wide street and then they’d walk down to Avenue A to get their drugs. We’d see it out the window from our house, so I had these stickers that stuck like crazy ... we’d write on them, “We know why you’re here. No drugs on this block. Keep away” and put it across their windshield.
They would come back to their car and we’d pull the shades down in our living room and with a bullhorn we’d say, “We know why you’re here. Stay away from this block. This is a drug free block.” And they’d take off, first trying to get this sticker off, but they couldn’t get it off. We did that for a couple months and eventually it pretty much went away.
Now the Housing Authority is short on cash and they want to get rid of the whole park and all 31 enormous trees. They want to put a 12-story building in its place. It’s called the Infill Plan.
We’re horrified and we’re fighting it. We’ve formed Friends of Meltzer Park. It’s horrible for us, but in Meltzer Towers there are 250 seniors, half of whom have breathing problems and other things that come to people our age. There are so many reasons for this park. We all need greenery.
James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.
Wow, what a fantastic woman.
A nice story. As a 6th St. resident (A-B) I am wondering what 6th look like at that time between C and D. Considering the rocks were thrown from 5th, I assume she lived on the south side, which is now a long row of NYCHA buildings. Were there old tenement buildings there at that time?
Bill the libertarian anarchist
Out and About and Kita are the best columns. I love reading these stories. So well curated.
Bill, those NYCHA buildings went up in 1986, I lived across the street at the time.
Wow. Kudos to them for fighting the crack epidemic intelligently. So many blocks (including my own) just gave in back then. It made for a very frightening place to grow up.
What a nice heartwarming story of good people doing good and helping to change a bad situation into a good neighborhood. Thank you.
I renovated my bathrooms for $64,000. Somehow, I don't think I'll get the same return as she did.
What an awesome lady.
What did the NYCHA buildings replace in 1986? I assume there were tenament apartments there.
Wow - what a beautiful story of an amazing woman. It is so interesting to read these stories - especially by people who are great storytellers. So difficult to say which of the Out and About stories are my favorite (do we really have to have a favorite?)but this is one of my very favorite ones. Many more happy years for you, Kathy! You are a wonderful person who embodies the spirit of both the true East Village and humanity.
She is darling.
But, I wonder - are her tenants are paying market rent?
Bill, not sure what they replaced as that was the summer I moved in and the foundations were already poured. I lived on the ground floor of the building directly across that now houses Sixth Street Specials. Before that my place had been an afterhours joint called Neither/Nor.
Wow - amazing lady ! I HOPE her tenants are paying market rent - she deserves every penny for what she has put, and continues to put into the community. I hope she is a millionaire !
She is awesome!!!
Every time you see on eof those inane, 'I've been her for 12 or 18 years so know more than you' posts, think of this tough old broad.
I took some photos in 1978 around the area of 6th and 7th between B and C. Not sure if you're ready for this! Have a look at the black & whites in this set http://www.flickr.com/photos/inkazar/sets/72157626710200731/
And Kathy is a local treasure. She and John are true community gems.
Gosh, I've known Kathy over 40 years and never knew this story, not in detail, anyhow. A great read. And a great woman and friend. Writing this from Vermont,
Janet Hubbard
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