Saturday, August 10, 2013


Summer Streets Saturday (SSS!) is underway now... through 1 p.m. So grab a discarded Citi Bike and hit Fourth Avenue! (And don't accept any Hennessey from strangers along this route!)


  1. Every citibike docking station should include racks for other cyclists to lock up to.

    WTF, DOT, why do private bikeshare subscribers get massive docks on almost every corner of our public streets, while those of us have been doing this for many years have to hunt and fight for a lampost or street sign to lock up to?

    As usual, Bloomberg bends over backwards for the tourists and transplants, while doing shit for us lifers.

  2. Fourth Avenue looked like China today, with all the CitiBikes clogging all the lanes. There were easily twice as many bikes as any other City Street event, maybe more, and as a result you could barely move at times, it was all stop and start. Only when you hit the 60s on Park did traffic thin out, with CitiBikers walking those heavy bikes up that steep hill.

    It seemed like everyone and their morher was trying to rent a bike at the still malfunctioning kiosks along the way. They probably should just let people take the renal bikes out for the whole event instead of making people rent and return every half hour and clogging up all the kiosks.

    Once you get into Central Park the ride is great, but It feels like you have to ride through downtown Beijing just to get there.

    Otherwise it was a great day for a ride, we just need a lot more room for all the extra bikes now. Maybe they should close off a few more avenues and make it an all day event.

  3. "Maybe they should close off a few more avenues . . . ."
    Very funny.
    Keep it down, OK?


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