Friday, August 9, 2013

Tree down in Tompkins Square Park

Uh-oh. Goggla writes in to let us know that this tree just split a few minutes ago in Tompkins Square Park... thankfully, no one was injured...


  1. Can't wait to hear from the armchair-arborists about this...

  2. Trees are dropping like flies...

  3. It's an early fall

  4. Happy to oblige, @ 6:19 PM.
    What would you like to know?

  5. Earlier in the morning they had a good section of the oval area fenced off. Saw a lot of tree folk walking around the park taking notes on clipboards. (about 40 years too late)
    This is a weird coincidence then? (if this just happened)

  6. Not a good time for snark, 6:19.

    I happened to be in the park when this happened. It was strange -- no wind, no rain -- just a collapsing branch that peeled right off of the tree. Word from tree pros would be welcome; it was fortunate that no one was hurt.

    A woman in Queens was killed in a similar incident last week.

  7. I saw it today, what a mess. There is obvious rot inside the trunk at rhe breakage point, and several other major limbs on this tree are sagging so badly they look ready to go. At least two other major limbs have been removed in the past, this is at a very busy walkway near one of the major entrances, it's lucky no one was killed. The fence that took the hit was crushed, if that was a person they would be dead.

    Several tree limbs have recenty fallen in Stuyvesant Park, which also has some very old and overgrown trees. The fact that Bloomberg refuses to inspect more trees while people get killed , and promising to plant a million more trees is sure to result in more deaths and injuries.

    The city is already paying out tens of millions to previous victims, so not doing more prevention is not only immoral, it's costing us millions more than hiring inspectors. So if anyone wants to make some fast and painful cash, just go walk around the park and soon enough, something is bound to fall on you too.

  8. According to the East Village Parks Conservancy, a donation of between $3,000 and $3,999 gives you the privilege of dedicating any of the elms. That means your name is put on a map of the trees in the park.
    Anyway, what happens if a tree with your name on it falls down, or splits in half, like this one? Do they transfer ownership to a different tree, or are you just out of luck? If I'm not mistaken, that was the Amy Waldman Villaplana Tree.


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