Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happening now: The Joe Strummer mural is returning! The Joe Strummer mural is returning!

As we first reported on Aug. 19, workers blasted away the 10-year-old Joe Strummer mural outside Niagara on Avenue A and East Seventh Street as part of ongoing exterior renovations at 132 E. Seventh St. As promised, though, the mural was to return... and it's starting to happen right now with the original artist Dr. Revolt ...

Thanks to @gaminette for the photo!


  1. Looks like some real TLC is going into that new incarnation of the mural...can't wait to see it!

  2. Hope it doesn't get all f'd up when they install that sill right above it.

  3. We knew Pigs would Fly! (Revolt also made a graphitized flying PIG for Roger Waters)

  4. The future may be "unwritten".......but I'm glad too see it's not "unpainted'!! Welcome back Joe, Rock on Dr. Revolt.

  5. Way To Go Revolt... Coke One Say's YAY


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