Construction of the incoming 7-Eleven is entering its 13th month of painful gut rehabilitation and disruptive construction on Avenue A and East 11th Street... EVG reader Cartknocker was curious to see just what was going on behind that plywood... Luckily, the plywood is easy enough to scale...
Yes, that is a 7-Eleven.
Meanwhile, the No 7-Eleven blog has a recap of Sunday's No 7-Eleven rally right here.
7-Eleven has to relocate the three industrial AC units and unblock the fire escape before the partial stop work orders can be lifted. That's not going to happen any time soon. Details.
I wish it would just open already. The sooner it opens, the sooner the Trifecta of Poppy's , Westville, and Tompkins Sq Bagels can get started on putting it out of business. The smack down will be administered quick and with severity.
None of these old buildings were built with space in the back for huge ACs and refrigeration units. What was 7/11 thinking even renting this space?
umm i think the info is bad...there was a huge trailer outside today delivering supplies
More like above the law. The DEP is taking them to court over the refrigeration units. They were ordered turned off earlier this month but have been running them anyway. It's another example of how duplicitous these people are.
...I really don't understand what keeps these places in business. What is it, someone please explain. Not the food...
Send in the clowns.
7-Eleven's food is awesome for dieting. Easy in, easy out!
I have no idea. They have the same junk food CVS does and any one of the cafes and bodegas that surround this 7-Eleven offer better food. The only advantage they have over a few of these businesses, not all, is they're open 24 hours. So what.
I live across the street and above and have clear line of sight into it. As was mentioned earlier, not a single thing has moved inside it in weeks.
Stop order is in effect. This sucker isn't going anywhere.
Give 'em hell, BagelGuy!
The area was under-served by the Insane Clown Posse.
You're welcome!
I walked by earlier and the space is a dead zone of activity. Good luck with that Thursday opening!
They're doing secret secret midnight work in there now!
Trump-in-law is no neophyte. What is it the Bible says? "A bribe is like a magic stone in the hand of he who offers it," something like that?
yes, Bagel Guy -- I say BRING IT, so we can CLOSE IT.
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