Monday, October 7, 2013

Pie Face shows its, uh, face on Fourth Avenue

[Bobby Williams]

The sign for the latest NYC location of Pie Face went up on Saturday afternoon at Fourth Avenue and East 13th Street...

The Australian bakery reportedly opens today.

Per DNAinfo:

The 24-hour bakery [offers] a full menu of flaky pies stuffed with fillings like mince meat, Philly cheesesteak and tandoori vegetable.

The space was previously home to Brothers Deli. A tipster originally told us that the Pie Face was opening next door at the former Dryden Gallery ... and that a Juice Generation was opening on the corner. We'll see if we can get this sorted out...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Coming and going on Fourth Avenue

Southeast corner of Fourth Avenue and East 13th Street is up for grabs


  1. Pie Face Root Bone Rag ......

    ......I think I saw them in '67.

  2. yet more evidence that this neighbourhood is just NYU campus now. Who needs a deli? We need a 24 hour fast food place for 20 year olds with their parents credit cards.

    I give the dry cleaners and hardware store across the street 1-2 years at the most

  3. Pie Face Root Bone Rag ..I only heard them on Nugget

  4. I tend to be less outraged about NYU-style businesses the closer they are to University Place. It's not like this joint is on Avenue A. Or maybe I'm just hungry and "flaky pies ... tandoori vegetable" is making me weak. Sorry, I know my pitchfork is around here somewhere. :p

    That said, that font and signage is completely hideous, and this comes from someone who (ab)uses emotions on the regular.


  5. @Anon. 12:44 - it's just more of the continuing infantilization of this neighborhood and this city, to make it less threatening and more palatable to the bland, milk-fed masses overwhelming our streets.

  6. Gojira, yes, I know that. But at the same time I can get only so upset at NYU-directed businesses opening close to where NYU students live.

    Aside from their horrible fonr decisions, a 24-hour bakery catering to NYU kids one avenue off University is not really the kind of thing I can be upset over.

    Maybe I have outrage fatigue.


  7. er, that s/b "font"

  8. I walked past this afternoon and it looked open but as if last minute work or cleanup was still in progress. Though I agree with the general complaints about the EV being remade exclusively for upscale college students and twenty-somethings, I might have stopped in if I hadn't already had lunch today. I'll check them out again sometime in the future.

  9. Pie Face is pretty delicious. There's one up in Curry Hill-ish that I have been to a few times. With Tuck Shop gonzo, I'll be going by Pie Face.

  10. Tuck Shop is alive and well.

  11. Pie, okay, I get it. Now when will the they get a velvet rope?!


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