Saturday, October 12, 2013

[Updated] Tree fire in Tompkins Square Park

Shortly after 6 ... There's a tree fire mid-block on the East Seventh Street side of Tompkins Square Park. The FDNY is there and on it, per Dave on 7th and Jose Garcia.


A photo and video via @NCintheNYC ...

...and video...

Updated 10-13
GammaBlog has more on the blaze... noting that the tree in question was the great old gnarled Black Locust ... check out more photos here.

And a photo of the gnarled tree yesterday via Bobby Williams...

Haven't heard about any official cause of the tree fire.


  1. Yo wizzles and wizzabellas! My bad! I was playing burning bush in the park and things got a bit cray cray. #satan

  2. Damn! It was that jesus play I know it!
    A kid fell out of a tree in the park last night and we had to call an ambulance as he couldn't get up. It was crazy...hope he's okay.

  3. It's God's wrath-y way of showing His displeasure over the Satan play.

  4. WTF? Who sets a tree on fire, or Chrissake? Aren't we losing enough of them courtesy of our dear Mayor?

  5. Sorry about that guys. One of our ovens overheated.

  6. It's the burning bush, and the EV'ers are so attuned to themselves and their iMe that they miss the next five commandments spoken by Yahweh via the burning bush:

    11. "Thou shalt not woo in this park and neighborhood."
    12. "Thou shalt not grant any more liquor licenses in this community."
    13. "Thou shalt not build a 7-11 here."
    14. "Thou shalt not covet your neighbor's Citi Bike or froyo."
    15. "Remember the SantaCon day, to keep it unholy. 364 days you shall labor, and do all your work, but a day in the 12th month of the year is a Santacon Day dedicated to the Lord your God alcohol. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your realtor, or your venture capitalist funder, your male servant (your daddy), or your female servant (your mommy), your mistresses, or your artisanal livestock, your hoof, or the Air B 'N B sojourner who is within your apartment. On this day, you may woo and puke all you want, for even the almighty Lord himself can not stop this shenanigery. You are who you are."

  7. I think "Santacon" needs to be changed to "Satancon"".


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