Friday, November 15, 2013

CB3 not into Ben Shaoul's zoning variance for 515 E. 5th St.

News on the never-ending saga regarding developer Ben Shaoul's additions to 515 E. Fifth St. On Wednesday night, Community Board 3's Land Use, Zoning, Public & Private Housing Committee voted to recommend that the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) deny the zoning
variance application filed by Shaoul's reps.

Members of the Tenants Association of 515 East 5th Street say that the CB3 vote will clear the path for the case to be heard at the BSA. "It might take a month or two for all the necessary paperwork to change hands, but the decision probably won't be made until the middle of next year," said one Association member.

A recap on the situation here: The BSA had previously ruled that Shaoul needs to remove the 6th and 7th floors. However, his attorneys had requested that the city grant a zoning variance to "permit the constructed enlargement, minus the penthouse, to remain."

Given the seven-plus-year history here, this is likely far from being resolved. The extra floors were added in 2006.

You can read more about the history here at the Post, Curbed, DNAinfo and The Villager.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Never-ending battle wages on over additional floors at 515 E. Fifth St.

CB3 hearing on illegal rooftop additions at 515 E. 5th St. re-scheduled for another month

Never-ending battle over additional floors at 515 E. Fifth St. promises to keep being never-ending


  1. I said it the last time this was reported - this is a very important for the city to step up and say "enough". If Shaoul wins, it will become clear to the scumbag developers (most of them) that they can break the law with impunity and pay a small fine or tie the city up in court endlessly.

    I really hope the city stands up to this criminal, orders him to tear down the ILLEGAL addition to the building, and severely punishes all involved - preferably with jail time.

  2. "No construction work observed"November 15, 2013 at 2:27 PM

    I'd like to half-jokingly propose a Kickstarter campaign by residents to raise funds to give the DOB a bigger bribe than these landlords can. That might be the only way, at this point...


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