Monday, November 11, 2013

Continuum Coffee has closed... for now

Flyers went up around the neighborhood last Tuesday asking for support for Continuum Cycles and Continuum Coffee on Avenue B... There was talk of a fundraiser Saturday, though that didn't happen. Per the Save Continuum page on Facebook Saturday:

Hi everyone. I wanted to say thank you for all of the support you have given us in the past few days. I regret to inform you that the coffee shop was shut down yesterday, by the fuckin' man. Needless to say there won't be an event tonight. I'm sorry for the last minute cancellation. We did all we could.

Continuum Cycles next door will close in the days ahead as well.

In a tweet from Friday, owner Jeff Underwood wrote:

I am sad to say that today was our last day; I am going to regroup over the winter and reopen at a new location. Continuum, a bicycle shop will also be closing shortly. I will stil take on some clients and work on their bikes. Continuum Cycles is still happening. Our team is growing strong. If you want a frame, they are still available. Aluminum frames are limited but we are fully stocked with our Italian hand built steel frames. A new site is in the works so you can purchase them online.

Continuum Coffee had the misfortune of opening a few weeks before Hurricane Sandy. They were never able to recover, especially in the following weeks without Internet or phone service. It was a cool spot, and we liked what they were doing there. Hopefully they can find a new home in the neighborhood.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Out and About in the East Village with Jeff Underwood


  1. This is sad to hear. I loved their coffee and the employees were cool and welcoming but the place wasn't so comfortable to sit in. If they reopen, and I hope they do, I would recommend better seating and tables. They had those little tables set up near the front kind of back to back, and it was awkward if you were sitting with a friend or even alone trying to read a book. I would have spent a lot more time there if the seating situation was better. Standard tables and good chairs are worth the investment for any coffee shop or restaurant.

  2. The article doesn't make it very clear why this place got shut down - was it Sandy, or was it "the man"?

  3. "Continuum Cycles next door will close in the days ahead as well."

    Thank you Shiti Bike. No rentals at this location but Shiti BIke still sucks the life out of local bike stores for repairs, accessories, etc. I would split my repair/tune-up/accessory purchase patronage between these guys and Metro on 14th street, they did good work, they will be missed.

  4. I'm really sorry to hear this. With the rise in cyclists, I would hope a bike shop would be able to be successful. It's getting difficult to see exactly what type of retail will be able to succeed in this neighborhood, or this city, for that matter.

  5. hey Jill, the answer is drugs and the City Fathers and Mothers have already worked that out. You are a statistic on a spreadsheet showing your value in alchohol tax revenue.

  6. I do most of my repairs on my own but Continuum was always there when I needed a wheel trued, or to buy a patch kit or inner tube (at fair prices). They are a great neighbor and I will miss them.

  7. It's probably best to focus on either the bike shop or the coffee shop and make it the best it can be. I assume it was hard to carry the rent for the coffee space in addition to running the bike shop. Since the area is full of coffee shops, and that place right there on B and 13th is popular, I'd stay stick with what you do better than anyone--bikes and bike repair. There are a lot of us who don't use Citibikes and need your shop.

  8. The place was just uncomfortable to sit in.

    I bet they would have done better if they had better seating inside.

  9. If only they had the PR guy and media publicity that the biscunts got.

  10. Ugh, I had no idea they were hurting. I don't have a bike, but patronized the coffee shop - great coffee, really friendly staff. I'm sorry to see them go.

  11. Ah thats really too bad, Jeff is a good guy, and his staff in the bike shop was great, I have been meaning to go in for some stuff but kept getting sidetracked.

  12. Obama Derangement Syndrome has been eclipsed (in NYC at least) with Citibike Derangement Syndrome.

    Bike injuries are down, propaganda and lies.

    Coffee shop that opened several weeks before Sandy closes, Citibike's fault.

    Bike shop that doesn't rent bikes is winding down, Citibike's fault.

  13. Citibiker Derangement Syndrome

    -It's for everyone, not just the rich
    -We yield to pedestrians and stop at red lights and stop signs
    -We don't go the wrong way of traffic
    -We are seasoned bikers
    -We can pick-up our laundry and children, and do our furniture shopping in CitiBikes
    -People from the outer boroughs who worked in out beloved 7-11, Duane Reades, and other chain stores commute via CitiBikes into the city
    -Empire biscuits are great!


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