The East Village Community Coalition recently honored The Source Unltd Copy Shop with its annual Outstanding Pigeon award for their continued service and commitment to the neighborhood.
Since 1982, the shop at 331 E. Ninth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue has been a go-to spot for copies, office supplies, cards and postcards created by local artists... and some good old-fashioned community spirit.
EVG correspondent Stacie Joy stopped by the cozy storefront to photograph proprietors Santo and Margaret Mollica.

"The East Village is still one of the few places where you can just be, and come across all kinds of people from all over the world," Santo said.
How do they feel about being honored for their 30-plus years in the neighborhood?
"When I was a kid, my old man sat me down and he said, 'Son (cause he used to forget my name sometimes), there are three things that can help you have a good life: One is to have faith in yourself as well as The Lord; two is to hope for the best but be prepared for the worst; and three is to be charitable toward others and they, in turn, would be charitable toward you," Santo said.
"And me and Marg have always tried to live and work by that code," he said. "So it's nice to have it recognized as working."

[Santo and Margaret with Curtis, who is named for Curtis Mayfield]

One of the most useful shops in the neighborhood. Friendly folks, quick turn around time and Curtis is so sweet.
My go to spot! Congrats Santo, Margaret and Curtis.
-"continued service and commitment to the neighborhood."
-"good old-fashioned community spirit."
-"be charitable toward others and they, in turn, would be charitable toward you"
Note to the woooo bars, froyo in a biscuit hoofs, and trendeateries.
May The Source be with the community for 30-plus more years
Santo is such a friendly guy, and he runs a great business. Good to see him get some recognition.
Great people! I love this place. Congratulations!
Love this store. Santo and Margaret are the best, and Curtis is a sweetheart. I still miss Satch, the prior pup, for whom I always had a treat when I went in. But we're lucky to have this great shop, there used to be so many more, but I am glad they're still hanging on.
I used to love the way their dog Curtis would stand on his hind legs, front paws on the counter like he was ready to take your order.
Sometimes when Santo was in the back this gave the impression of charming copy shop staffed by a lovable dog.
Definitely one of the neighborhood places I miss, but it's so great to see they haven't been displaced by gentrification.
I'm a jerk - never been to this store before. Now that EVCC has honored them I will go patronize them!
Hi Santo! What a nice guy. I used to live right across the street from this place, and have memories of going in for work that even precede my living there. I even acquired one of my kitties (Boggs, RIP) from a "this kitty needs a home" flyer hanging on the wall there in the early 90s. Always gives me a smile to pass by and see that they are still there. I was hoping we'd get more of a "memories" piece from this... James Maher should go interview Santo and get some history! Long Live The Source!
Well deserved, great peeps, superior service. My go to for all my business needs.
These people are the best and so is their shop. Santo is also a great musician.
Peace and Love,
East Village Corner
THE SOURCE - Santo and Margaret- friends since i moved to the east village ..CONGRATS!!
Congratulations to Santo and Margaret! We're always happy with their prompt, accurate service delivered with a warm smile. They truly care about their customers and community. Long live The Source!
AMAZING PEOPLE..Uber special folk. How I LIKE TO THINK of East Village denizens..Too bad there are not many more of these wonderful folks. I will always support their great business.
Santo and Margaret (and her sisters who help out) and Curtis (and the late Satch) are totally the best. Thanks to them, I don't even need a printer in my house, I just go to them. They've seen me through eighteen books (sixteen published so far) and four short stories. Love talking about the classic rock days with Santo, who's a gifted and knowledgeable musician...and love getting doggie kisses from Curtis. Fabulous place, fabulous people. Love you, guys!
I always shop at Essex Card Shop on A and 3rd, but now that I know of these folks (and their adorable pup as a bonus!), I'll need to check it out. Congratulations to the owners; seems like they've built a great business.
4:32 that is kind of a shame because I am sure you know, as a customer, that Essex is also a very nice old school place with very friendly and helpful owners and staff, so hate to see them lose a customer, actually I have often wondered how such nice people selling simple items, pens envelopes glue etc at reasonable prices can possibly pay the insane rents here.
@ Moe: I didn't mean it in a bad way; I will continue to shop at Essex - I love that it's there and I want to help it along. Too bad that the stationery shop next to USPS on 14th St has closed because of redevelopment... Anyway, I was just saying that I'd never noticed the place this post is about, so will stop by there too. They all need our support; one can never have too many pens and envelopes :-) But in all seriousness, I'm also amazed at the wide range of items available at Essex. Everybody go shop there! I'm *sure* you'll find something you didn't know you needed.
What Moe said. I hope Essex Card Shop stays with us another 100 years.
I love the Source. i don't know how long I was going to unmentionable chain places until I found out about this place. i've been given a free cupcake while in there and feel i have been given discounts at times or just that the prices are so reasonable. every job is always exactly done and you never have to worry about anything. you also don't have to fill out any crazy forms. just email and send the goods the night before. real people, really nice, really true. if i lived in the 'hood i'd be there all the time. PEOPLE GET YOUR COPIES HERE. and dupes, and old skool reporters' notebooks!
Congratulations and well-deserved!!!
Congrats to you both!
We go back a long long way...40 years. Not surprised your neighborhood is appreciating you and your service as it is well deserved.
I proud of you both and proud to say you ar oldest friends.
Best wishes to you both forever.
They are awesome. So great all the time and I am so happy they are still in the neighborhood!
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