Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today in free ads for Microsoft

Just a quick note from Midtown South, where this checkmark arrived early this morning at Astor Place...

The checkmark, plugging a new Office product, points (heh) out that "This is the intersection where oddball and original meet." Perhaps it should say met instead of meet?


  1. If its microsoft, it will be bloated and full of bugs,

  2. "Perhaps it should say met instead of meet?"

    ASpot on my on.

  3. Ken from Ken's KitchenNovember 7, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    I hate street marketing and I really hate this.

  4. Maybe it should be "meat"

  5. World's most useless hockey stick.

  6. Isn't this littering?

  7. And large corporations like us love history so much we wipe the city clean of it.

  8. Google “Spanish Donkey”.

  9. That may be one of the most repulsive P'sOS I've ever seen. Thank god it's at least located west of Lafayette.

  10. The "creative" work that went into writing and making this... the meetings to review the copy, the typeface, the color, etc...

    What a waste.

    Sell our space to Microsoft. Sell our space to Citi(bike). Sell sell sell.

  11. Hip proximity? I think not.

  12. Reminds me of the million artificial butterflies Madonna & Microsoft left here in the 00's

  13. This is vandalism of public space.

    - East Villager

  14. "With every passing day, there are fewer of us and more of you."
    I was gonna have a t-shirt made with this inscription...however, they charged by the letter. I was a couple of bucks short, so I passed.

  15. I would think it was a Verizon ad! Dummies.

  16. Makeout said...
    Who the fuck makes a checkmark to the fuckin' left?

    Why left-handed people of course!


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