All Saints and Dazed & Confused have teamed up to present a video on the NYC music scene… and narrated by punk rock pioneer and author Richard Hell.
Aside from Hell's thoughts, the 7-minute video features performances by 7th-grade rockers Unlocking The Truth, ethereal duo Starred and the indie folksters Widowspeak.
Here's a soundbite from Hell, who may be talking about the music scene … as well as life here in general:
"Things always change. And New York teaches you that. It's healthy to know that and to learn not to be sentimental or nostalgic because you can't stop it."
Check out the video...
Did Richard quit the music scene like 30 years ago because he hated it so much?
I think writing was always his first love. That, and he was trying to get away from the drugs in the music scene. Unfortunately, I think he was an infinitely better lyricist and musician than writer.
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