East Village resident Kelly King and a handful of other folks handed out flyers today outside Jerry's Newsstand on Astor Place… they were hoping to raise awareness about the stand that Jerry Delakas has operated since 1987. (The Department of Consumer Affairs shuttered the stand for "operating illegally" following an ongoing legal battle. He has a little more than a week to appeal the ruling that he fork over $37,000 or vacate.)
Delakas was there as well, and spoke to a reporter from the Daily News, who stayed on the scene a good hour… East Village-based photographer Michael Paul shared these photos...

There was also a reporter there from Fox 5, though she was filming a segment about Starbucks.

I predict that within five year's time, the East Village will have a sizable Tea Party contingent.
I'm wondering if the $37,000 include the (approximately) $30,000 cost of the new shiny newsstand the city forced upon Jerry and the location? So they are forcing him to buy the new structure? (And giving advertising space to CEMUSA?)
Looks like a 2 year license is only $1000 or so. But the $28,825 fee for the structure building is down below here:
I'd like to know if the $37K includes the cost of the structure (which was not needed)
It looks to me like they force Jerry to pay for the structure and then CEMUSA gets the ad revenue. I hope I'm wrong on this.
Fox 5 was there doing a story on Starbucks, and they had a REAL New York news story unfolding right next to them? Why am I not surprised...
First they take a gateway job, one with a legacy for putting immigrants on to work, and harass them from selling on the walks 100 years ago, then push them to what? The corner, the street? Then the stall. Then thats not good enough and the city has to regulate the stalls?. Then the City? they go farther and build the shop? Then they start price fixing the rents? To completely decided who does and does not get to be the shop mom and pop. Then they sell leases to corporate francises. So the middle class wage is sucked out of the job- it goes up to the rent, and the newspaperman becomes an employee at minimum wage on public for the franchise. NO WAY. Are these city run? We cant have the city too creating this model of gutting the middle and making more inequity! Help.
One of the untold successes of the Bloomberg era is all the businesses they put out of business - the killer now is the South Street Seaport - the arrogance of chewing up a kind of fun area to be turned into more luxury housing and shops for transnationals and transients.
Rally for Jerry. Saturday 2-3pm in front of his Newsstand.
Jerry. will be there.
News: The judgeit seems would not grant the emergency demand to remove the locks. Its a process to reverse....
Please come support him. Help. find ways to help him....
Kelly King
Bad timing, Kelly. The Santconners will overwhelm the rally, plus the snowstorm.
Can it be postponed to Sunday?
We promised Jerry to show today.. It was cold but good feedback. More cocerned people shocked to find out.
We will do it again wens 4:30-6.
But Monday at 3 there is to be a news interview. Anyone with supporting stories should come.
I found today Jerry is supporting a very ill twin brother. Thus the low reserves. Also they locked his eye glasses, wallet, the works in the stall. He is in a rather desparate way. If anyone can do anything for him he maybe needs more then he is saying. He did not get another pair of glasses and cant read without them. .... He also it seems works with a super sweet teen who lives in the shelters, works two jobs and told me "Jerry is my guy. I will do anything for him." This problem is effecting several very vulnerable lives.
I hope that everyone staying vigilent keeps this sweet old greek man safe.
I know there was talk of setting up a fund. Could you post your ideas here about that?. Maybe the lawyer could oversee it?
The Villager just posted an article with the lawyers name.
Kelly King
It seems he may have only to the 22. Please come tommorrow if you can, monday at 3pm. Jerry will be interviewed by press. Interviews of support would help
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