Wednesday, December 11, 2013

NYPD's Interactive Map lets you track crimes block by block

In case you haven't seen the interactive map that the NYPD released this past weekend…

As Gizmodo noted:

The map sticks to the major New York State felonies: Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Rape, Robbery, Felonious Assault, Burglary, Grand Larceny and Grand Larceny Motor Vehicle. Though the site uses data available on the NYPD website, it was developed by Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications.

You can check out the map here for overall trends in crime by Precinct … and by address…

Here's a snapshot of our own 9th Precinct from January through October of this year…

The map also has a zoom-in to see where, roughly, each crime was committed…

Overall, according to 9th Precinct statistics, crime is down in the major categories by 76 percent from 1990 to 2012. (Find that PDF of the stats here.)

[H/T to EVG readers Creature and RyanAvenueA]


  1. Oh, well, look at all those blue dots...! No crime here, folks, move along..

  2. "crime is down in the major categories by 76 percent from 1990 to 2012" of course it is, and 2+2=5.NYPD has never lied about its stats, and now that no one is allowed to check the local precincts (Ray Kelly slipping this through on his way out, I doubt Bratton will improve anything) who knows what is real.

  3. A lot of bodies must be at the bottom of the East River.


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