Here's the scene today on East Second Street just east of Avenue B… this car is adorned with toilet paper … with plastic wrap holding it in place (and keeping it dry?).

Thanks to Bobby Lebrini, proprietor of Lebrini's Pizzeria, for the photos.
Those Citibikers and pro bike lanes really hate cars. That car is hoarding their precious soon to be docking station and bike lane.
Well, it is parked in a No Parking zone.
It's Lady Gaga, now sporting a spare tire!
Damn kids! Get off my yard... I mean, car. I mean...where am I?
It's outside E28/L11, enough said.
Wish they had done that to the winning Lambo
De Blassio hasn't even taken office yet, and look, crime is already back…
Car alarm revenge?
That is so fucking juvenile. I love it!
news from the embassy long live democracy.
My ex-boyfriend's car?
It's parked in a firezone... The deductive skills of most of you makes me not suprised this is still a highly religious neighborhood.
Looks like some people were late for Santacon
@Anon. 11:08 - you use a thread full of clever, amusing comments (two of which gave the probable cause as to why the car got t.p.'d) to slam the neighborhood, its inhabitants AND religion? Wow, you must really be a total asshat.
Its parked in the fire zone for truck 28 ladder 11. they are 12 yr old boys who whack off to sirens so of course they toilet paper each others cars like little boys.
Screw the car, that's a waste of good TP!!!!!
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