Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Something new to look at in the Mary Help of Christians lot

Well, while we await more news on the above residential complex at the former Mary Help of Christians property along Avenue A between East 11th Street and East 12th Street… might as well enjoy some new graffiti at the site!

These tags arrived some time during the past week or so. We took these photos last Friday...

...and via EVG reader Ruth… a fine addition!

As for the new 438 E. 12th St., there will be 158 residential units… and maybe a rooftop pool. So far, the DOB has twice "disapproved" the new building plans... the second "disapproved" is dated Monday, according to the DOB website.

Previously on EV Grieve:
New residential complex at former Mary Help of Christians lot may include rooftop swimming pool

Meet your new neighbor on Avenue A


  1. Ok so what's the next step on this website... shall we disparage the potential residents of this affluent building? A pool? Go back to your suburbs!!

  2. Ken from Ken's KitchenDecember 4, 2013 at 11:21 AM

    Another new building with some bricks and some mullions that looks like it's at least trying to make some effort to fit in. But it is so fucking generic. I'm not even sure if American architects are capable of whimsy and of employing decoration any more, even if the developer had the $$ and desire for it and insisted on it. Or that the people renting in these things care about any of this.

  3. I think 95% if the people that buy condos could care less what it looks like on the outside unfortunately. Bland and safe is fine with them since they own and will sell the unit and its walls not the outside brick and windows. The rendering makes this building looks hulking compared to the 1890's buildings which will stand next to it. I hate to say this but this could be a LOT worse as in taller. It will be extremely interesting to see what happens to the commercial spaces. The neighborhood lacks the people traffic for a big retail store, will they chop it into more affordable tidbits for a dry cleaner or try to persuade a god forbid Starbucks on Ave A (which would fail). It is gong to be an interesting test to what can survive in all that retail space.

  4. These are rentals, not condos.


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