Prep work for the high-end housing afterlife continues for a good portion of East 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B … crews have been removing asbestos at former businesses such as the Blarney Cove...

… ahead of the demolition to make way for the new retail-residential complex that will call 500 E. 14th St. home… Until then… here's what's left...

To date, the developers haven't submitted any demolition permits or new building plans with the city.
And here's a look at a conceptual rendering from an RKF retail listing about 500 E. 14th St. ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East 14th Street exodus continues
The disappearing storefronts of East 14th Street
[Updated with correction] 8-lot parcel of East 14th Street primed for new development
East 14th Street corridor now nearly business-free ahead of new development
Here is the future of East 14th Street and Avenue A: 7 stories of residential and retail
What shall be the fate of the Blarney Cove sign?
Don't know, but $100 will get you the sign of the old-time regulars that was right inside the front door. My husband made it and he took it before the Cove closed.
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