Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The story about the city shutting down Jerry's Newsstand on Astor Place actually gets worse

[Photo via Jeremiah Moss]

As we reported earlier today, the city shut down the newsstand that Jerry Delakas has operated on Astor Place since 1987.

Jeremiah Moss walked by today to find Jerry standing, rather bewildered, in the snow outside the newsstand.

He showed me the broken padlock he found and said, "I just got here. I thought someone broke in." Someone did. It was the city that broke Jerry's lock and put on a lock of their own so he could not open for business today.

Jerry has 11 days to appeal the recent ruling that he vacate his space.

As mentioned earlier, the Department of Consumer Affairs decided in November that in order to have the license, Jerry has to pay $37,000 within a month. Has the city considered that it might be difficult to make that payment if he can't open for business?

Head to Jeremiah's Vanishing New York for more on this development.


  1. Another Bloomberg success story, right after the forced injections of all schoolchildren of a so-called "flu" vaccine, lets guarantee kids get cancer or lupus or other diseases from the injection. What else is Bloomberg trying to slip under the rug as he leaves. Oh yes, the local police precincts will no longer be allowed to show the public their crime stats. Those must come from the Central Hive.

  2. Unlike a nearby bookstore this man should have gotten help from the community to stay open.

  3. Ken from Ken's KitchenDecember 10, 2013 at 2:06 PM

    Here's where a Kickstarter campaign might be useful.

  4. Time to contact De Blassio. I have been expecting all sorts of shenanigans on the part of Bloomberg and La Quinn in the last days of their reign. We have to keep an eye on them, this is just one example and clearly a very visible tip of the iceberg.

  5. Agree, 2:11. Agree!!!

  6. The last of many acts of ineptitude by DCA under Bloomberg. That's what happens when you put a highly ranking aide's spouse, who was previously a second grade teacher, in charge of the Department of Consumer Affairs. Look it up - it's all true.

  7. I stopped by that newsstand recently. Man, that's a shame. The community should have helped Jerry keep his place. Now I wonder what the city will do with that space.

  8. I'll repeat: I'm sure they are not removing the newsstand. They just want someone to pay the "licensing" fee.

    And kickstarter is a good idea, but should we really have to pay this type of a ransom ($37K?????) to the government?

  9. Bloomberg's term and his administration expire in 21 days, that's why Bloomberg's cohorts are rushing to claim that space before DeBlasio gets a whiff of of what's going on.

  10. Ken, Kickstarter only allows the raising of money for "projects" (think: biscuits), not charitable efforts. Giveforward is the site for that - it's where Chad Marlow raised money for Akkas Ali, the flower guy hit on 6th and 2nd this past summer. Something to investigate, for sure.

    So, DJ Jason, how you feeling now at the sight of a confused old man standing in front of the nuisance newsstand that allowed him to work and live with dignity for so many years? As arrogant and shallow as ever?

    The city's actions are what is illegal, not Jerry trying to do the job he's been doing for so long.

  11. So...if Jerry wanted to open Jerry's Biscuits...

  12. Hmm....guy is running a private, for-profit business on publicly held property and without a proper lease. Seems like he got a great deal for a long time. If the City jumped the gun by 11 days, that's not right. But it doesn't mean he should get a pass. Should anyone be able to appropriate public land for a private business without getting permission from the people's representatives and then paying for the privilege? And any such agreement should include an expiration date. I feel bad an older gentleman is locked out of his business, but his sympathetic appearance should not muddy the issue. He is a failed capitalist. It happens.

  13. I just submitted the story to Fox 5s "shame shame shame" segment (via their website). I suggest others do the same. Maybe the UPN station will cover it... "Help me Howard". Is that still running on their news program?

  14. That photo is just heartbreaking.

    Nygrump: your vaccine rant is nonsense; who do you get your news from, Jenny Mccarthy? There is plenty to criticize Bloomberg for without making stuff up, you know.

  15. There are "boiler rooms" operating illegally in NYC, but you don't see Bloomberg and DCA go after them.

  16. I hate to say it but I don't really see the outrage here. I walked by there daily for years and half the time it was closed, and when open it was selling nothing. I think managing the stand was already far beyond him.The stand itself has no redeeming features, whatever it might have been 30 years ago. The guy didn't even have title to the place. I feel bad for the guy but really, what does keeping him there accomplish?

  17. I got off the downtown 6 train twenty minutes ago (7: 50 pm), Jerry was standing at the bottom of the stairs staring into space...

  18. Yes Tony. Being there every day. That's his life. His reason for being. And The City is taking it away. (And some people, see above, don't see the problem).

    Can you imagine someone saying "Give us $37,000 or we shut down your life"?

    Deuteronomy 24:6

    No one is to take, on account of a debt, the stones with which grain is crushed: for in doing so he takes a man's living.

  19. I just submitted my complaint to Fox 5 "shame shame shame", but realistically I doubt anything connected to Fox News will be interested in helping this guy

  20. If he contacted a lawyer, they should be able to work out a payment plan that he could afford.

  21. I'm with Anon @ 9:08 last night.

  22. Anon @ 6:04pm
    I agree with you. 100%.

  23. Has someone mentioned a Go Fund Me account instead of a kickstarter account? The only problem with them is they take out 5% plus the almost 3% for the encrypted cc site. But money could be raised. I have a Go Fund Me account open for someone with medical costs and am paying that 8% myself so that all of everyone's money will go directly to the fund. Just an idea. You just need someone trustworthy being the administrator.

  24. Protest Rally tommorrow Thursday Dec 12 11am.....come post a sign of support on jerry's stall throughout the day..jerry willl be there at 9am

    Kelly king

  25. Call the Public Advocate 212 669-7200. Let them know you are witnessing an injustice.

  26. http://pubadvocate.nyc.gov/

  27. Feel bad for the guy but why the uproar about saving it? Only purpose it serves is a place for him to go to.


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