An EVG reader writes in …
I took this photo [Wednesday] morning on East 4th St. between Avenue C and D. There are two small trees that were planted last fall in front of P.S. 15 The Roberto Clemente School on this block. This morning I noticed someone gouged both of the trees on purpose. This was not done by an idiot chaining their bike to it, because they were fine yesterday. I wish people were more aware of taking care of the trees. These are in front of a school and it would be so nice to have them grow tall ...
Here is where all of the "old timers" -- who must really be old because I have been here for 40+ years -- will say that is just art and people are entitled to destroy property to make art
Destroying a tree is not making art.
Is it legal to chain your bike to a tree? If it is, it shouldn't be. I would love to see the cops given the ability to unchain these bikes and dispose of them.
nice big poop in the background!
Anon 8:41 - No one says that, whether they're "old-timers' or "youngens'". Stop making stuff up.
@ 8:41 AM You are, literally, incoherent.
Take your medication.
what doesn't kill it may make it stronger?
There was a tree gouger around Ave C a few years ago. I notified police and neighbors and put up signs. It abated.
I'm sorry to hear he is back.
Not to be (too) picky, but this isn't in front of the school, it's across the street from the school. Unfortunately, there are no trees in front of the school.
On the subject of trees, one of the trees down the block, toward Avenue D, that was planted at the same time, died last year. We notified the City -- hopefully they'll replant in the Spring.
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